Be zapping at your energy levels

It okay to occasionally feel steam rolled, and completely zapped out of energy. It is most common after a stressful situation like looming deadlines, exam season, or change in life like a new baby. 

However, being perpetually tired is not a sign of a healthy body. Whereas you may consider deadlines and exams  very important, but your health is nothing to make lightly of either. When your lifestyle is becoming all too consuming for your body, you have to readjust your priorities. 

You may be able to over-stretch your body now, but few years down the road, you will burnout. Your body will not be able to keep up. Thus, rather than falling into the despair of disease early on in your life, reorient your lifestyle to make your health an important goal as well. 

It may also happen that your tiredness is still present without the fear of exams and the looming deadlines. Feeling fatigued always is a sign that your body needs help; visit the Best General Physician in Lahore for help. 

It is also helpful to know what habits of yours might be zapping at your energy levels, unbeknownst to you. 


It may seem like counter intuitive, since rest is considered as a solution for lethargy, but much like everything else, too much of it is also bad for your health. 

When you are inactive, your muscles do not efficiently. As aging causing loss in muscle mass, something that being active helps against, there are lesser mitochondria present then. Mitochondria are energy centers, and naturally, lesser quantity thus results in less energy in the body. 

Exercising and being physically activity thus helps the body produce more energy, and muscles are also more efficient in their energy consumption. 

You do not have to do a sweat fest to qualify for more energy; a lovely stroll through the park, being more active around the house, taking stair instead of elevator are some subtle ways to sneak in activity to your daily life. 


Stress is draining not just is metaphorical terms, but it literally also drains your energy levels. It leads to the secretion of hormone cortisol, which in turn causes the reduction in the production of ATP, the molecules that play an essential role in energy generation in the body. 

Moreover, stress also enhances inflammation, which also gravely effects energy production. Yoga, exercise especially breathing exercises, mindfulness are some ways you can moderate stress levels in the body. 

Water in take

People who are dehydrated are more likely to be lethargic, tired and disoriented. Water is required for performing vital processes around the body, maintaining blood volume, regulating temperature in the body amongst several other tasks. It dearth naturally causes problems for the body.

Therefore, make sure to hydrate. One way to tell if your water intake is not sufficient is by checking how frequently you need to use the loo, and the color of the pee. Less and concentrated urine means that you are low on water. 

Depression & Loneliness 

Mental health has a strong connection with the physical health. Depression is also associated with fatigue. Isolation and loneliness lead to depression as well. 

Thus, people need solace and social contact if their mental issues are behind their fatigue. 


Your body needs sufficient shuteye to recuperate from the fatigue of the day. Moreover, as we sleep, essential processes are carried in the body that ensure its optimal performance. Thus, when you miss sleep, your body experiences fatigue and lethargy. 

The impact of sleep deprivation sets even if as little as one day’s sleep is missed. Thus, make your sleep a priority. Follow good sleep hygiene; do not eat before bedtime or use screens when in bed, stick to a sleep time so that your body falls into the habit. 


What you eat serves as a fuel for your body. If you do not eat well, body simply does not have enough gas to function. 

Processed food increases inflammation in the body and causes decreased production of ATP. Moreover, fast food, a staple for so many people, is high is calorie content, but does not have nutrients to sustain body. 

Furthermore, not moderating food intake by eating large quantities at a time or eating foods rich in sugar frequently and in large amounts also gives the body a surge of sugar. This spike in sugar, termed as sugar rush, is following by dip, which then leads to fatigue. 

Therefore, be sure to eat well balanced diet. Focus on taking organic and natural foods. Cut down on the fast food and prefer homecooked meals in which you can ensure high nutrition.

Some people might also need supplements to get sufficient micronutrient as their diet falls short. They should consult Best General Physician in Islamabad on whether they would be needing supplements or not. 

Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta is an SEO expert and blogger with a strong passion for writing. He shares views and opinions on a range of topics such as Business, Health, Lifestyle and lot more.

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