Benefits Provided By An Excellent Yoga Blanket

Yoga is always incomplete without a yoga blanket. A yoga blanket is considered as one of the props for yoga. Just as yoga mats are used on floors to perform certain asana, yoga blanket provides support with yoga blankets to perform certain special kinds of asana, which need a higher level, above the main ground.

Excellent Yoga Blankets For Your Need:

Cotton Yoga Blankets

This is the most common kind of yoga blankets, which are a hundred percent made from good quality cotton materials. This is why this is considered to be an excellent yoga blanket. It is weaved very tightly as compared to other kinds of yoga blankets. It is less costly as compared to the other types. These kinds of blankets are very soft as cotton to touch and are less traditional.

Yoga Blanket

Benefits Of This Kind Of Yoga Blankets Are-

  1. Provides strong grip with the floors
  2. Skin-friendly
  3. Easily maintained
  4. Lightweight
  5. Environment-friendly
  6. Provides comfort

Mexican Yoga Blankets

These are again an excellent yoga blanket choice that one has ever used. They are made typically with hand-woven materials. They are available in a wide range of colors and designs as one’s preferences.

Benefits of this kind of yoga blankets are-

  1. Machine washable i.e. easy to maintain
  2. Has good durability
  3. Used for Iyengar and regenerative poses for yoga
  4. Versatile in nature
  5. Provides warmth

Wool Yoga Blankets

There is another excellent yoga blanket available in the market. These are made up of wool and have perfect blended corners and sides.

Benefits of this kind of yoga blankets are-

  1. Machine washable
  2. Durable but less than Mexican yoga blankets
  3. Provides warmth and padding while performing asana

Overall Advantages Of An Excellent Yoga Blanket

  • Absorbs sweat

An excellent yoga blanket is a blend of good quality material and providing the right support. Yoga being a less intensity workout, does not mean that it cannot lead to sweating. There are certain exercises which might lead to sweating. Thus, these blankets help in providing as cloth for wiping sweat. Being soft and cushion-like, it does lead to any harm to the skin even if rubbed in a harsh manner. Thus, an excellent yoga blanket works in a dual manner that is by working as a yoga supporting blanket as well as a towel for wiping off sweat while performing the asana.

  • Support

Just as our body supports the different kinds of pull during yoga, so does a yoga blanket. The main role of a yoga blanket is to keep the grip tight enough on the floor so that asana can be performed perfectly without any muscles pull. Using yoga blankets help in performing yoga properly at any joint of the body whether its pelvis or not. It helps is forward and backward movement easy.

  • Relaxation

Yoga is conducted to give the body a relaxed feel that it has been asking for after a tiring and hard day. Just as yoga is performed to provide relaxation to the body, yoga blankets are provided to add to the feel of relaxation while performing yoga. It helps in providing correct postures, which in turn relaxes nerves and body.

  • Affordability

There are many yoga blankets that are expensive, but if we see generally, excellent yoga blanket is also available and at a very reasonable price. The price depends upon the quality, design and material used in the process of manufacturing.


Thus, when looking for a product which has a dual use and numerous advantages which provide a good surface for yoga, a yoga blanket is perfect for the purpose. You can easily find a wide number of options both in online stores and offline stores. Make sure that you only invest in good quality yoga blanket.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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