Best 6 Food Items To Consume For A Healthy Immune System

One of the most prominent elements that are responsible for a robust immune system is Vitamin C so it should not be a big shock that many of the food items in the list below have a massive quantity of it. A healthy immune system is crucial for sustaining harmful diseases and leading a healthy lifestyle. You can either have junk food which is surely going to ruin your body, or you can eat salubrious and rich food which is going to benefit you in the long run.

●    Spinach

Spinach is the most under-rated Indian food item despite its many advantages. It’s packed with numerous antioxidant, beta carotene along and Vitamin C. Vitamin C is the main element responsible for a healthy immune system, but with the addition of other factors, this is a significant element to include in your diet. Moreover, cooking it doesn’t make it lose its nutritious values, and this item is also a great medium of strength. You should visit reputed places like and order food that includes spinach.

●    Apple

It is proved through research that people who consume one apple a day have fewer chances of getting ill. An average size apple has about 2.4g of fiber with an ample amount of vitamin C that makes it quite desirable. The best way to eat an apple so that it has its full effect is by combining it with a spoon of peanut butter or almond butter. Don’t peel off the outer layer of the apple because many of the nutrients and vitamins are present in it.

●    Almonds

Vitamin E, being a fat-soluble vitamin is crucial for a healthy immune system. To have a proper diet and to maintain a sound lifestyle, there should a balance between every Vitamin; each Vitamin is vital for the functioning of the body. It’s true that Vitamin C is better for the immune system than Vitamin E, but that doesn’t mean that Vitamin E doesn’t contribute to the strength of the immune system in some way. Almonds have a very high volume of Vitamin E present in them.

●    Lemons

An interesting fact to know is that a quarter cup of lemon juice accounts for about 30 percent of daily Vitamin C intake with a total of around 12 calories. You can easily use this item while having dinner or lunch or you can even consume lemon water if you want to complete your daily dosage. Many of the doctors ask patients to use lemons after they fall sick to help strengthen the immune system.

●    Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits include grapefruit, oranges, tangerines and what not. Each of these is beneficial when it comes to strengthening the immune system as they are rich in Vitamin C. Why is this vitamin so good in improving the longstanding health of the body? This is because it enables and promotes the production of white blood cells which are like guards who help the body fight against intruders. Fruits are itself very healthy; moreover, it’s easy to add these in your diet as they are readily available and inexpensive at the same time.

●    Green tea

Green tea is widely popular as a healthy beverage that should be consumed early morning, and it is a rising replacement of coffee. This sturdy item is famous because of the ingredients presents in it especially the antioxidants. A type of antioxidant is Epigallocatechin Gallate which is directly responsible for the betterment of the immune system. Moreover, it has an abundant amount of amino acid L-theanine which is a germ-fighting substance as it promotes cell production.

Sumeet Thakur

Sam T. is a digital marketer and freelancer on Up work where he talks about digital marketing case studies, tips, techniques, and more.

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