Best Practices for Homeowners Looking to Clear Out Their Garage for Cash

A garage can be an incredibly useful space that allows you to store large items and get work done when the weather is less than ideal. However, a garage can also be a place where clutter accumulates to the point that you can’t find anything. Fortunately, when you clear out your garage, you’ll likely find that there are items you can get rid of that can make you some money. To help make your organizing more lucrative, here are some best practices for homeowners looking to clear out their garage for cash.

Clear it All Out

When it comes to organizing your garage, the best way to begin is to take every last item out and put it on your driveway. In addition to providing a clean slate to help you organize more efficiently, this method may also help you discover that you have duplicates of some of the items in your garage. This will help find more items to sell, which will ultimately result in more money for you. Of course, this is a big project and will likely require more than one person to get everything moved out and sorted, so make sure to call in a friend to help if possible.

Get Help With Bigger Items

An important part of finding success when cleaning out your garage is making the process as easy as possible. This means finding the easiest sales channels to get rid of your more unwieldy unwanted items. For example, if you’re wondering, “how do I sell my junk car,” you can utilize a service that picks up your junk car from your residence and provides cash on the spot. This in particular can help you get rid of some of your larger items that are taking up the most space and get you the most return cash.

Keep it Organized

As you decide which items you’re going to get rid of, it’s important to organize them into piles to make them easier to sell. This is because different sales channels lend themselves to selling different items. If you have unusual items that are easy to ship, for example, an online auction site may be the best route to take. On the other hand, small and inexpensive items are best sold through a yard sale, which allows you to sell a lot of items at once. If you have scrap metal, consider selling to a recycling center rather than trying to sell each piece individually in yard sales or to retailers.

Be Willing to Negotiate

Only rarely does an item become more valuable after it has been used. This fact means that you need to be wise when setting the prices for the items that you sell. By setting a fair price and being willing to negotiate, you will find that your items sell far faster, allowing you to clear out your garage far more quickly. While you can get cash for the stuff in your garage, keep your expectations reasonable and remember that the real reward will be the usable garage space at the end.

After you have successfully cleared out your garage, it’s important to make an effort to keep it from becoming cluttered again. A crucial part of this is taking your time when considering a purchase to determine whether you truly need a certain item. By thinking through your purchases, you’ll end up buying fewer items, which will help your garage stay cleaner for longer.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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