Best Tips For A Better Resume

Writing a resume for the first time or after a while is overwhelming. Your head is full of questions: “where to start?”, “do I need to delete this?”, “should I show them my work?”, and much more. In this article, you’ll find answers to these questions and find even more useful tips. And when you learn what should be on your resume, don’t forget to also read what shouldn’t be on your resume after all.

Find Some Inspiration On The Web:

Inspiration On The Web

Image credit: Taras Shypka

 Getting inspired at first is often one of the best things to do before a creative task. And this is surely going to be one – you’ll have to show off your strongest skills in the best ways possible.

To dig out some inspiration on the web, you could Google some articles that have been written in the recent year – there is a big chance you’ll find great examples this way. You can also Google resumes – here you’ll find more visual inspiration.

Probably the biggest source of visual inspiration, especially if you’re applying for a creative job is to explore Pinterest. And if the inspiration you find is not enough, you can discover even more tips for writing resumes in this article.

Use Professional Templates Of Resumes:

If you want to create or renew your resume by yourself, without the help of a professional, it is still a good idea to use resume templates. Nobody can learn everything, so why not use something that is already made? Especially when these templates were composed especially for this cause by a team of real professionals.

You can find and download some amazing resume templates from Novoresume – just use the website to search and browse them.

Keep Attention To The Details: Fonts And Colors:

When you build your resume, don’t forget to focus on the details. And by details, we mean such important things like fonts and colors. Some may think it’s not crucial, but it is. Just think about the hiring specialist that will be reading your resume – can you imagine how many resumes that person reads every day? Therefore if you use colors that are too vibrant, and fonts that are simply impossible to read, your resume might end up in the trash bin.

Use Only The Important Information:

Try to only focus on experiences that truly matter for a specific job position. For example, if you’re applying for a marketing manager position, then mention how you’ve worked in such a position before and how many years of experience you have.

Skip the part where you did your internship ten years ago in a hotel. It won’t give you an advantage and just waste valuable space on your resume.

Add Your Social Media Links:

Social Media Links

Image credit: Christian Wiediger

Of course, this depends on the situation. But if you’re a social media expert or content creator, there is no doubt that you should place links into your social media profiles.

On the other hand, if you’re applying for a lawyer job, LinkedIn would be enough. Just make sure that your profile is properly filled with job experiences and projects you’ve worked on and not some embarrassing information.

Dare To Be Creative And Innovative:

This also depends on the job position that you want to land and the field you want to work in. But don’t be afraid to experiment. Of course, there is way more freedom for creative professions: graphic designers, stylists, app and web developers, artists, and many others. They can make a very modernly designed resume or even build a website that is their resume.

Don’t Forget The Contact Information:

This might sound obvious, but it’s also very important. Because first of all, if you don’t add your contact information in an easily visible place, a company that you wish to work with might not even call you. Yes, they could email you. But sometimes calling is easier and there are some old-fashioned people who prefer a call.

And secondly, if you don’t list your phone number, this might say a lot about you and your attention to detail. It can even show how seriously do you take this job opportunity. There are many jobs that require attention to detail, so this would come as a big disadvantage.

Add Examples Of Your Work:

In professions like journalism, content writing, and graphic design this is called a portfolio. So attaching some samples of your work is often a must. Some hiring specialists might not even consider hiring you if you don’t provide proof of your skills.

This also implies for other job positions – if you work with documents, you can add them as examples of your work. And if you’re a translator, you can also attach some previous works of yours. It shows more effort that you are willing to make and proves your talent.

Write A Motivational Letter:

To show your motivation and devotion, do not forget to read about the company that will receive your resume. And even add a motivational letter, stating why you would be the perfect employee for this company. Maybe you’ll even have some suggestions for possible improvements.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Donresume

    To get noticed by potential employers, you really need to spend a lot of time drawing up the structure of your resume and its design. A good resume is the key to success when looking for a job. To make a resume stand out from the crowd, simply design is not enough. You also need to think about the structure and content of the resume.

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