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Bipolar Disorder: Signs To Look Out For

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition and comes in varying forms of severity. It causes extreme mood swings which can last for days or even months at a time. You could be feeling overjoyed or depressed or a combination of the two at the same time. Even though it’s a common condition, it’s still difficult to diagnose. Often a person will need to experience a manic or hypomanic episode. This is where their mood and behavior becomes drastically out of character. If left untreated, these episodes and the condition can become severe. Thankfully there are indicators of bipolar disorder that can appear before an episode occurs. If you suspect yourself or someone else of being bipolar, here are some warning signs to look out for.

Impulsive behaviour

If you or your friend has been acting too impulsively lately, this could be another sign of bipolar disorder. This is particularly relevant if they are engaging in activities which do not usually interest them or are within their character. Being impulsive and spontaneous can be considered endearing, but it can also cause a lot of trouble if not done correctly. Spending too much money, unplanned trips and stealing are all common signs of impulsive behavior. But they could also leave a person in a vulnerable state, both physically and financially. The stress of this could make their condition even worse. So if you’ve seen signs of impulsive behavior, treat it with the utmost seriousness.


Talking fast is often caused by excitement and elation, which could be being caused by bipolar disorder. We all talk quickly occasionally, but if you’ve noticed this happening all the time, alarm bells should be ringing. Fast talking is often accompanied by overactive thoughts which alter from one topic to another. On the other hand, slow speech could be another indicator of bipolar disorder. So either of these extremes should not be overlooked. These are potential signs of a bipolar disorder which friends and family are more likely to pick up on rather than the person in question.

Lost interest

Losing interest in family and friends could be a sign of depression, which is strongly linked with bipolar disorder. This can cause a breakdown in your relationships, which could increase your feelings of depression. A loss of interest can also spread to other areas of yours or your friend’s life. You might lose passion for a hobby you once loved or find it difficult to concentrate at work. Losing interest in food is another issue associated with the condition. This needs to be managed with the right treatment program and professional care. Otherwise, it has the potential to lead to thoughts about death and suicide attempts. So if you can relate to these warning signs, seek professional help immediately.

If these warning signs sound familiar, make an appointment with your doctor to get their expert opinion right away. If your friend needs help with a possible bipolar condition, build a support network around them and seek professional advice.

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site