Bladder Cancer: What Every Woman Should Know

Although the occurrence of bladder cancer is more in men as compared to women, the latter often face a worse prognosis. Bladder cancer is caused by the uncontrollable growth of cells inside the urinary bladder. Mostly, cancer starts from the urothelium- the epithelium of the urinary bladder. The risk of occurrence is high in smokers. This type of cancer takes time to grow and is highly treatable when diagnosed at an early stage.  

Symptoms of Bladder Cancer   

  • Blood in urine
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Sudden urge to urinate
  • Pain or burning sensation during urination
  • Urinating multiple times throughout the night
  • Lower back pain     

The symptoms mentioned above can also be due to Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). When in doubt, it’s advisable to consult a bladder cancer treatment hospital in India. The immediate consultation shall help you with a better diagnosis and treatment.  

Risk Factors for Bladder Cancer                

Certain risk factors can increase one’s chances of acquiring bladder cancer. While some of them can be changed, others such as age and heredity cannot. Having one or more risk factors doesn’t necessarily mean that the person would have the disease. Here are a few risk factors you must be aware of-


A lot of harmful chemicals are inhaled by a person with every puff of a cigarette. Over time, these chemicals build in the bladder, causing immense damage to its lining. This increases one’s chances of getting bladder cancer.

Chronic Bladder Inflammation

People with a history of bladder infections are at a greater risk. If the infection keeps recurring and your bladder is irritated for an extended period, it’s advisable to consult a specialist and avail proper treatment. 

Prolonged Exposure to Harmful Chemicals

Prolonged exposure to chemicals such as benzidine and beta-naphthylamine is linked to increased chances of developing bladder cancer. People working in industries where certain organic chemicals are used are at a higher risk. It takes 25 years for bladder cancer to develop due to exposure to harmful chemicals.

History of Radiation or Chemotherapy

People with a history of chemotherapy or radiation for a prolonged duration are more likely to develop bladder cancer.

Family History

The chances of bladder cancer are high in people with a family history of bladder cancer. This is because they might share genes that make it hard to break down certain chemicals or toxins.

The Stages of Bladder Cancer

Stages of bladder cancer
Stage I– Tumor is confined to the bladder with no involvement of the bladder muscle wall. 
Stage-II- At this stage, the tumor involves the bladder wall.
Stage III– This stage refers to the tumor that also involves fat adjacent to the bladder along with a lymph node.
Stage IV– Tumor during this stage involves pelvic or abdominal walls, with or without distant spread.

Prevention of Bladder Cancer

It is said that prevention is better than cure. Although the following measures don’t guarantee 100% prevention, they might help reduce the risk of acquiring bladder cancer-

  • Staying away from harmful chemicals
  • Cutting down on smoking
  • Including fruits and green veggies in your diet that are rich in antioxidants.

Great strides have been made in bladder cancer treatment in India. When finalizing your options, hospitals such as Care Hospitals can be a reliable bet for all types of treatment, let alone be cancer.

Anjali Dixit

Anjali Dixit, a passionate blogger, I enjoy my work and believe there is always a lot to discover in the world of Internet.

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