Bubble Wrap Insulation: Does It Really Work?

Bubble wrap insulation and Bubble wrap duct insulation have grown in popularity over the years and more and more people today are using it today for controlling heat and cold in homes and saving on energy costs. Bubble wrap insulation works exceedingly well beneath floors, walls, windows, and attics. With bubble wrap insulation, you can also reduce the load on your heating/cooling systems.

Let us now understand the working of bubble wrap insulation at closer quarters. The ability to reflect radiant heat as opposed to absorbing heat makes bubble wrap insulation efficient. Conduction, convection and radiation move heat from warmer terrain to cooler terrains. Mass insulations such as fibreglass only help in inhibiting heat conduction and convection and these attributes cannot prevent the transfer of radiant heat. Conversely, bubble wrap insulation can reflect radiant heat and help in keeping homes cooler during the hot days and warmer during the cold days similar to what happens in a thermos.

For example, when sun rays strike the roof of your home, it contributes to a rise in the temperature in your attic and in turn that temperature radiates downwards causing a spurt in the temperature inside your home. In this situation, if you are using temperature control equipment like an air-conditioner, this equipment will need to work harder because of the higher radiant heat. But, if bubble wrap insulation is added to the ceiling joists of the attic, or even stapled beneath the roof rafters, the temperature control types of equipment can work with higher efficiency.

Warm floors

Warm floors or radiant floors are significantly helpful in colder regions where the warm floors can help in bringing down the load on heating systems.  The working of these floors is similar to a light bulb dissipating energy in multiple directions.  When bubble wrap insulation is employed, the radiant energy gets recovered and reflected back into the room. Bubble wrap insulation is also helpful in pipes, water heaters, basements, and roofing and studs walls.  Bubble wrap insulation is exceedingly helpful in all settings that produce radiant heat. Bubble wrap insulation is also easy on installation and doubles up as a fire retardant too. It is also used in building’s wall and roof for fireproofing. Certified Fireproofing contractor, Ocean fireproofing has a ton of experience when it comes to fireproofing commercial establishments. This type of insulation needs little or no maintenance and resists tear, puncture etc. apart from saving you a few dollars in energy costs.

Bubble wrap duct insulation

You have possibly noticed that fibreglass is extensively used in residential insulation. But, replacing this with bubble wrap duct insulation makes great sense it is significantly more efficient in terms energy and also fibre free with the ability to reflect as much as 96% of the radiant heat making the product environmentally safe and meeting as well as exceeding the standards laid down for fibreglass. Another significant advantage that bubble wrap duct insulation brings is that the product is free from irritation and itching from glass fibres which can affect the lungs of tradesmen who handle the product.

Other advantages bubble wrap insulation

Ease of application tops the list of advantages that bubble wrap insulation brings and there are no technical stipulations for application. In closed environments, we need significant energy for maintaining a cool temperature and bubble wrap insulation helps in transferring radiant heat from inside the room while preventing any rise in the temperature inside to help the surroundings cool. When radiant heat is treated in this manner you can experience considerable savings in energy costs over a period of time.

Insulated roof

By using bubble wrap insulation on the roof, once again, you can control a significant amount of radiant heat seeping into your rooms. Further, applying the bubble wrap insulation is simple needing no specialized tools or equipment. The material itself is pretty lightweight and a pair of scissors is all the tooling that you will need to install bubble wrap insulation on your roof. Similarly, if you choose to apply bubble wrap insulation over the glass, you simply have to spray some water on the glass and press the insulation material over it. No adhesive is needed to fix the bubble wrap on glass and other surfaces.

Double bubble wrap insulation

Double bubble wrap insulation is very helpful in warding off pests and insects. This reflective insulation also reduces your exposure to harmful elements like mildew, fungus, moulds, etc since the plastic foils do not give room for their growth. Further, you can also ensure scratch-free glasses on windows and dismantling when needed is also pretty easy. Long shelf life and affordable cost are the other attributes of bubble wrap insulation that you will love.

Bubble wrap insulation in packaging applications

The packaging industry is another segment where bubble wrap insulation delivers several benefits. Excellent cushioning, extended protection, reduced damage to contents in packages, lower cost of packaging, recyclability and environmental friendliness are among the core benefits for the packaging industry.

About 6 mm is the smallest bubble that you can get and at the higher end, it goes up to 26mm. The shock absorption ability enhances with the higher diameter and wrapping up the packages is also pretty easy. More importantly, the size or shape of the package is never a constraint, and items like cylindrical objects, electronic products, jewellery, electronic devices, etc. can be packed in a way that ensures zero damage or scratches to the contents.

Other applications

Bubble wrap insulation is very versatile and comes in varying colours, sizes, with a self-sealing variant of bubble pouches, and is anti-static. You can put a bubble wrap sheet inside the toolbox to ensure that the tools do not clank during movement from one place to the other as it happens with a handyman. Similarly, strawberry farmers can benefit by using bubble wrap to prevent the strawberries from touching the ground.


Apart from all the commercial and industrial uses, bubble wrap insulation is also a great stress reducer and many people pop the bubbles to reduce stress and aggression. Again, when people have to go on their knees to accomplish some work, they can wrap a piece of bubble wrap around their knees for excellent protection of the knees.

Jane Savvides

Jane Savvides a successful entrepreneur and startup. She uses her writing skill to guide students, employees & businesses owner to increase loyalty & magnify brand awareness.

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