Bug Off: 4 Strategies for Keeping Insects Out of Your Home

As a parent, it is your responsibility to keep your house clean and safe for your children. This includes keeping out pests and bugs that can spread disease. Indoor pest problems seem to be never ending, especially as we move from spring into summer. During the spring and summer, insects come into your home to find food and water. In the winter, they may be seeking a warm place to escape the frigid temperatures. Pests inside of your home can put you at risk for catching diseases, and they are downright unpleasant to see scampering across the floor. This is part of why it is so important to schedule regular housecleaning. These four strategies will keep pests out so that you can stay safe and healthy. From sealing off entry points to keeping outdoor pests away, as well as cleaning up food and scheduling regular house maintenance, there are many ways to keep your home and family safe. Don’t put up with disgusting pests. Follow these 4 strategies to keep them out today.

Seal Off Entry Points

Pests have to get inside somehow. Some are fast enough to get inside when you open the door to leave your home. Others are sneakier. Tiny spiders, ants and roaches can fit between small cracks around your windows and doors. Take a good look at these areas of your home, and add caulking or weatherstripping to any area that needs repair.

Control Outdoor Pests

Insects that live outside are just future indoor pest problems. Go for a walk around the exterior of your home to see if you find any obvious signs of pests. Spider webs around windows or in bushes, roaches scampering beneath a wood pile and flies near the trash can are all capable of eventually finding their way indoors. Professional outdoor pest control can help you avoid having these nuisance pests make their way into your house.

Keep Food Cleaned Up

The majority of insects come into homes to find easy sources of food. Make it harder for insects to get what they need, and you will find that you have less of them coming inside. Clean up food spills regularly, and remember that this goes beyond sweeping the floor and wiping down countertops. You also need to carefully inspect and clean out your pantry. For added measure, check your groceries before you put them away. Pantry pests, such as moths and weevils, often hitch a ride in boxed food products.

Do Basic Household Maintenance

Plumbing leaks also attract pests that need water. Cockroaches and other insects can also sometimes find their way into a house through cracks in the pipes. Fix any plumbing issues that you have both inside your house and outdoors. Then, give the roof and exterior walls a check to identify any cracks or holes that need to be fixed to stop letting pests in.

The best way to manage indoor pests is to immediately address potential issues. Don’t wait until you spot a roach or line of ants marching across the floor. Instead, arrange for a professional treatment to determine the extent of the problem so that you can identify a treatment that works with your at-home strategies.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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