Business Fleet Card Hunting – What to Look Out for

Do you have staff from your company that is always on the go? Do you have several company vehicles and need to cut down on the fuel expenses regardless? Do you want to keep track of how much your company drivers are spending on fuel and the maintenance costs? If yes is the answer to one or all the questions, then (please) keep reading.

Truth is, companies and business owners now embrace the use of fleet cards for fuelling purposes as it has proven to be one of the best tools for ensuring that the organization does not lose money. However, this is not an easy thing to do. Choosing the right fleet card can be quite overwhelming, especially for first-timers.

Not to worry though; we got you covered right here. Here are some useful tips that you can use when choosing fleet fuel cards for your company or business.

  • Weigh on the discounts and savings – The number one reason why people opt for fleet cards is to save some good money. So, there is no point in getting one if you will not be able to make a saving with it. Look at different fuel suppliers and get to know what their discounts and savings are depending on their fleet cards. Then using that information, choose a fleet card that best suits you (or the organization).
  • Look for a wide variety of services – A good fleet card can do more than just refueling your vehicles. That said, look for a card that can offer you fuelling services and more. For example, the vehicles will need to be serviced at some point, so choosing a fleet card and a gas station that offers fuelling and maintenances services as the package would be great!
  • Settle for a reputable gas station – Let’s be honest; not every fuel supplier out there offers top quality fuel. Therefore, as the person purchasing the fuel, it is upon you to be vigilant when identifying your supplier and more so, the station where you are getting your fleet card from. Point is, high-quality fuel will keep the cars working just fine and using quality and trusted fleet cards will also save you some good money. Quality is key; do not settle for less.
  • Look for a fuel supplier who is easily and readily available – Ever run out of gas when you are in the middle of nowhere? This is a nightmare that you wouldn’t want to come face to face with. So, make sure that you settle for a fleet card that you can use in a good station and ensure that the specific station (or stations) are easy to find. By so doing, your business will run as it is supposed to and you will not have to worry about things or people running late due to fuelling challenges. So, if you always have people from work on the road, or you have realized that you have been spending a ridiculously huge amount of money on unnecessary traveling and driving, then you sure need a fleet card and a gas card respectively.

At the end of the day, whatever makes you happy is a choice worth settling for. Shop wisely!

Lucy Jones

With extensive research and study, Lucy passionately creates blogs on divergent topics. Her writings are unique and utterly grasping owing.

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