Buying a Home? How to Find a Real Estate Agent

Buying a Home? How to Find a Real Estate Agent

Buying a home can be intimidating, especially for first-time buyers. Although people choose to go through the process alone, it is rarely the best idea. It is best to let a real estate agent help you find their next home. According to a National Association of Realtors survey, 89% of homebuyers enlist a real estate agent. However, it is not enough to have an agent; you need to find the best. Here is a guide on how to find a real estate agent when buying a home.

Search Online

Finding the right real estate agent requires a great deal of research and patience. It is best if you begin the search early to avoid rushing into the decision. The first stop should be local listings. Scour through the websites of the top real estate companies in your area. Dealing with a local company means they know the local market. Also, read the reviews from past clients. Online searches alone do not guarantee the quality, but they set a foundation.

Ask for Referrals

Online searches have uncertainties. You will need advice from people around you to make this crucial decision. Feel free to ask for referrals from your social circles. Other people have been in a similar situation and found a great agent to help them. You can ask your friends or colleagues. It’s also a good idea to tell them about your plans. Doing so will help you avoid making the same mistakes they made. Use this information to strike some prospects off your list, and add new ones.

Attend Open Houses

Open houses are put together to showcase the strengths of a home on the market. However, you can use the opportunity to assess the listing agent in a work environment. In a typical open house, the listing agent will greet you at the door. They will introduce themselves and hand you a flyer or a card. You can judge their customer service by how they treat you. Feel free to attend open houses, collect real estate agent cards, and pick the one who impressed you the most. This approach helps you know what to expect.

Look for Neighborhood Signs

When looking for a real estate agent, nothing is off the table. While an experienced agent may know their way around, they also are too busy to give you the attention you need. In such a case, perhaps an agent starting out, with good reviews, maybe a better fit. The ultimate test is to take track of neighborhood listings. Take note of how long a house stays on the market. The agent who sells faster than the rest may be the best one for you. Although you are not selling, the high turnover means the agent is good at their job. You want those skills on your side.

Evaluate and Shortlist

The referrals, online searches, and cards from open houses should give you a good pool of real estate agents. You can’t possibly interview twenty agents. Find a way to shorten the list to maybe three or four. This shouldn’t be too hard. The location is an excellent way to start shortlisting. For instance, SoCal VA homes deal with home loans for veterans and Temecula Real Estate so they would be an excellent option if you are looking for an agent who understands those criteria. Other factors to consider include availability, experience, and additional qualifications. Each consideration should shorten the list further. Keep going until you are left with a handful.

Interview Agent

It is recommended that you interview at least three real estate agents before you make your decision. By now, you have done your research on each of the candidates. Some of them you may have already met during open houses. You may even have a favorite. An interview allows you to meet those you haven’t met. Ask them for contacts of clients they have worked with recently. You can call them later to find out more. Other things to look for are professionalism and charm. Go with your gut.
Finding a real estate agent isn’t hard if you know where to look. Hopefully, these tips help you make the search a lot easier. As you can see, the process takes time. Start early to avoid panicking. Armed with these tips, finding the right real estate agent will be a breeze.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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