Buying A New Home? You Don’t Need Approval From Your Kids

Through the years as you raised your family, it’s likely that when big decisions were about to be made, you often sought the approval of your kids. Whether it was where to go on vacation, buying something new for your home, or even the type of vehicle you bought, it was important to you that your kids approved. But now that things have changed and you are in the market for a new home, it’s time to focus on your needs. In fact, here’s why you don’t need approval from your kids prior to buying your new home.

They are Grown and Gone

While your kids and maybe some grandkids come to visit now and then, your children are now adults and have lives of their own. As a result, the home you want to buy should reflect this. Though you’ll want a spare bedroom or two for guests, buy your new home based on your current needs and desires.

It’s Okay to Downsize

When your kids were growing up, having a big yard and lots of room inside your home for them to play was crucial. Now that you’re older, it’s okay to downsize. Rather than having a large yard to maintain and other things that will take up your time, go ahead and buy a smaller home that is easier to maintain.

It’s Time for You to Relax

Since you now have far more free time than in years past, your new home should reflect the fact that you deserve some rest and relaxation. Even if you purchase a smaller home, remember that it can still contain plenty of room for an open kitchen, luxurious outdoor areas such as a patio or deck, or areas that can be used for a home office, game room, or whatever else you have in mind.

You Have the Funding

One of the biggest concerns that kids tend to have about their parents purchasing a new home is the possible money burden that comes with purchasing a home. However, it is likely that the value of your current home can cover the cost of your new home. To get an idea of the value of your home, consider reaching out to a real estate agent. They can typically provide you details for the possible selling price of your home and the possible value of the real estate for sale in the area you’re interested in.

You’re Wanting to Relocate

If you have lived in one spot for decades but have always dreamed about living in another part of the country or even the world, now’s your chance. After all, if you’ve put up with one cold winter after another for years but now want to enjoy the sunshine and warm temperatures year-round, you have every right to pursue your dream of relocation. Also, between driving, getting on a plane, and using social media, staying in touch with loved ones is easier than ever in today’s world.

While your kids may be upset initially at the thought of you relocating or selling the family home, they’ll come around once they realize it’s time for you to enjoy the perks that come with being empty nesters.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.