Can Music Improve The Focus Of People Suffering With ADHD?

Nowadays, ADHD ( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is very common in children and youngsters. It is a neurophysiological disorder whose symptoms start appearing at the age of 3 years. If ADHD is left undiagnosed, it can have a catastrophic effect on your ability to socialize, and it restricts kids from learning new things.

In this article, we are going to discuss how music can improve the cognitive function and concentration of people with ADHD. But, before that, let’s look at the common symptoms of this syndrome.

Here are some common symptoms of ADHD

  • Poor memory
  • Trouble in multitasking
  • Difficulty in managing things
  • Excessive restlessness and edginess
  • Low tolerance power
  • Not able to stay quiet
  • Often misplace the things
  • Trouble in managing time

Now let us dive into the main causes of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome.

There is no exact cause of developing this disorder; however, the following factors can be responsible.

  • Brain Structure

According to the studies, the structure of the individual’s brain having ADHD is different from normal kids. Generally, people living with ADHD suffer from a chemical imbalance in the nervous system, i.e., the concentration of neurotransmitters is either over the limit or less than the required limit.

  • Genetics

It has been observed that this disorder runs in families. The parents with ADHD are likely to have children with ADHD. Not just that, this medical condition can also develop in other close members of the family. This procedure is known as inheriting mental disorders.

  • Injury

Traumatic brain injury can also lead to this psychiatric disorder. However, it is known as secondary ADHD as it occurs after the following injury. In addition, 1 out of 5 children who suffer from severe traumatic brain injury will develop Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, but it typically appears within a few years.

  • Alcohol Consumption

Consumption of alcohol and tobacco also increases the risk of ADHD in newborn children. Hence, it is pivotal for pregnant females to stay away from narcotics and intake a balanced nutritional diet.

  • Low Iron Levels

Another major contributor to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is low iron level. If you do not take iron supplements to overcome iron deficiency, then the condition can get worse.

  • Toxins In Environment

In the rarest cases, the toxins in the environment can also lead to ADHD. For example, PCB, lead, and pesticides are the major contributors to psychiatric disorders and mental disabilities.

How Can Music Improve The Focus Of People Suffering With ADHD?

As discussed above, people with ADHD have difficulty concentrating on specific tasks. However, did you know that music helps in this context? Listening to soft music improves your focus and helps you perform well in school, college, or the workplace. Music is a powerful tool to engage the brain and maintain focus. It is a kind of therapy that alleviates anxiety and reduces hyperactivity. Read on to learn the amazing fact behind the music.

According to the studies, music strengthens the various parts of the brain like visual/spatial, motor, and more. And this eventually improves your problem-solving skills, speech, and concentration. Moreover, classical music can change the brain’s EM waves frequency. The light melody shifts your brain waves to around 7.5 cycles/sec. This mode is called Alpha Mode and enables you to focus on every minute detail.

What kind of music should be listened to increase concentration?

Listening to music is very beneficial to increase the focus until it does not become the center of attention. It is crucial to listen to music without words to deal with low concentration issues. The background music can indeed improve the mental focus, but songs with lyrics can lead to distractions. The music without lyrics is also known as white noise.

You can also try binaural beats to increase your focus and for better learning. It happens when you listen to two tones of slightly different frequencies. In the Beta pattern (frequency range between 14 to 30Hz), binaural beats help to boost alertness and concentration. You can increase your problem-solving skills by listening to such beats for 1 hour daily.

Apart from the white noise and binaural beat, you can listen to some classical composers like Vivaldi, Mozart, Bach, Handel, etc., to set your mood and build better focus.

What should you avoid listening to?

  • Don’t listen to loud & heavy music
  • Don’t listen to your favorite and disliked songs.
  • Avoid listening to music without a clear rhythm.
  • Don’t listen to beats without a clear rhythm.
  • Avoid listening to lyrics.

The Bottom Line -: 
Music is a great source of personal enjoyment and boosting focus. So start listening to music from today to promote your concentration and enhance your productivity.

Paul White

I am a Registered Dietitian with a Masters's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. I love to write on nutrition, supplements, pregnancy, fitness and a healthy lifestyle.