Career Options That You Will Love as a Parent

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Being a parent forces you to rethink your life a bit. Sometimes, the job that takes you away from your kids is no longer as appealing as it once was. The good thing is there are a few career options for you that you might fall in love with now that you’re a parent.

Call Center

You could choose to become a call center representative or a customer service representative. This career could be a good one for parents because it’s usually pretty flexible. Most of the time, you can choose your hours and which shifts to take. On top of that, this job might allow you to work from home as long as you have a dedicated line and have set up a good office at home to complete your work. All of this gives you a chance to be the parent you want to be for your children.

Parent Coach

Another career you may want to consider is parent coaching. If you’ve never heard of this, that’s okay because you’re going to love it. In essence, you will learn some of the most effective parenting tools that don’t rely on power but communication. You get to not only become a better parent yourself, but once you get certified, you could teach other parents the skills you’ve learned. All of this should make you feel pretty proud of the work you do.


The job of a dietitian is a good option for parents. Not only can you be self-employed, but you also get to become an advocate for good nutrition at home. Parents don’t always know everything there is to know about food and nutrition and end up relying on labels in a store. Companies are trying to get you to buy their products, so they’re not the most reliable source to find out information. If you become a dietitian, you’ll know what to feed your kids, and you’ll be able to help many folks with your career.

Physician Assistant

A physician assistant is a great job. Sometimes, the work can be grueling, but it’ll make you feel good. You’ll be helping people get healthier, and that’s always good. Learning about medicine is helpful in many ways as it prepares you to deal with emergencies at home. One thing about this job is that you also get to stay home for three or even four days at a time depending on where you work. They work you hard, but you also get to rest.

Tax Accountant

Another career for parents is the tax accountant. This is great because you can work independently, sometimes even online, giving you more time to spend with your kids. As if that wasn’t enough, you also have most of the year off because most tax accountants work hardest during tax season, and that only happens once a year. For the rest of the year, you could take it easy and spend time with your kids. It’s a great schedule that allows you to be there for your kids as much as possible.

Teacher’s Aide

You could become a teacher’s aide. This career doesn’t pay much, but it comes with a few perks, like seeing your kids throughout the day if you work at the school where they go. As a teacher’s aide, you get to relearn some of the things you might have forgotten, which makes you a better parent at home. It means you’ll be able to answer your kids’ questions a little better. Having this job also ensures that you and your kids have the same schedule. Their time off is also yours, and that means you’ll be able to spend quality time together, which is all that matters.


These are just some careers you can choose as a parent, but there are many more, so keep looking until you find your calling. Your career should be as enjoyable as it can be but also afford you the kind of lifestyle that will allow you to be the best parent you can be. Kids don’t usually get to spend much time with their parents, so you’ll be giving your kids the world.

Jennifer James

Jennifer graduated from Chapel Hill with a degree in Journalism. She enjoys spending time on the beach and finding new outdoor excursions with her husband.

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