Cause and Consequences: College One Night Stands

One night stands in college are almost as common as beer and textbooks, yet are they the right choice for you? One night stands often occur when a person gets a little too intoxicated or may be looking for a way to end a long week. Being in a fraternity lets me observe how many people are actually looking for a one night stand, and the numbers may surprise you. Most guys and girls I have talked to for this article have said they are not opposed to having one night of no strings attached sex; many responders said it is because of their busy lifestyle they do not have time for relationships. This article will look at one night stands from both a positive and negative perspective; the bottom line is people can make their own choices. I personally do not choose one night stands only because I feel I am more of a relationship type, but I try to keep an open mind.


What is the Cause for This?


The week is over, you have just finished 20 hours of classes and a 20+ hour work week, it is time to let loose. You go to the closest fraternity party get drunk and bring back whatever girl gave you the most attention, and with all those drinks she is the prettiest girl in the room. After you go back you have unemotional sex that has absolutely no strings attached, no phone calls, no IM’s, no emails. This is a simple scenario of what it is like to have a one night stand in college, of course without the graphics. The sex can be good or bad it really doesn’t matter, you got what you came for and the week is over, no going on dates or listening to emotions. The one night stand is great for anyone who does not want the commitment of a fully fledged relationship that eats away at their time but just wants the sex. Many college students no matter how innocent they may appear fit this category; this is nothing to be ashamed of but is it really for you?


Facing the Consequences


Many students do not find that one night stands are rewarding or fulfilling. The quest to conquer is relatively easy for a one night stand; you only have to make the other person feel comfortable for about 4 hours or less to get them to go back with you. The sex is mediocre at best since neither of you knows what each other like, so you rely on past experiences to guide you through the motions. Students that choose not to partake in one night stands do so due to the attachment feelings that happen after two people have sex. Personally, I am a jealous person and get attached too easy; therefore it is very hard for me to do a one night stand. Chances are you are not the first person your new partner has had a one night stand with, which can be cause for sexually transmitted disease risk. Even protection is not 100% safe especially if you do not know your partner, and are under the influence of alcohol. Pregnancies also occur, rare, but they do happen; imagine telling your friends and family you have no idea who the father is or that you got a random girl pregnant? Not your best moment.

One night stands are for some college students but not others; I personally do not do them due to emotional attachments and my desire to find the “one” during college. The sex is emotionless which can be a huge plus for many guys and gals looking to let loose for a night and not worry about anything more. One night stands can be the cure for the desires that we all have but without any relationship attachment. Students are constantly under stress and relationships can add to that; therefore one night stands are as common as a morning cup of coffee after a long night of drinking.

Nicholas Svensk

Enthusiast for hiking, off road cycling and exploring nature in general. Also a passionate cultural traveler, interested in learning more about world history and culture.

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