Chemify.Bio Review & 3rd Party Lab Testing Results

A relatively new vendor in the market, Chemify.Bio has caught our attention. This company offers SARMs and other research chemicals to consumers. Let’s take a look at how reliable this company is, and if we recommend them.


Upon entering their website, we were impressed at how professional the layout is. Other companies selling SARMs tend to have a messy or unprofessional website design. So this is a good sign. The company provides contact information and business hours, and they also have a FAQ page. They also explain how to pay in a different page. Overall, the website layout is very good.

Product Selection & Quality

We took a look at their product selection. Although not very big, they still provide the most popular SARMs. What caught our interest is unlike other companies that sell their liquids in 30mL, they sell theirs in 50ml bottles. As for their prices, they are very fair. Overall, you’re getting more volume for a better price. They claim all their products are third-party tested and are 99% pure. We sent in their LGD and RAD140 for analytical testing through a 3rd party, and the results showed their products were indeed legitimate.

Shipping & Returns

The company states they ship within the United States and worldwide, including Australia. This is good news for those in countries like Australia who wish to buy these compounds as many legit SARM vendors have stopped shipping to Australia. In regard to their return policy, they do offer returns.


Overall, I do believe this company is worth a shot. They seem very promising and their products seem legitimate. Their customer support is top-notch, and their payment options are simple.

What are SARMs?

SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) are synthetic androgens that were created for the purpose of combating muscle atrophy in muscle wasting diseases without the negative side effects of anabolic androgenic steroids. Unlike steroids, SARMs are more tissue selective in the muscle and bone. SARMs have shown to increase lean body mass without serious side effects in the clinical literature, making them appealing to the bodybuilding community. SARMs are also less suppressive on the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis and are not liver toxic. SARMs are fairly new and have not been around as long as anabolic steroids, hence why they are still not approved for human use. SARMs like LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) and MK-2866 (Ostarine) are the SARMs with the most clinical data on them, while others have yet to begin clinical trials or have been abandoned.

What Are The Side Effects of SARMs?

SARMs are still research chemicals, so any information you find will largely be anecdotal. On the internet, users often report muscle and strength gains, but they also sometimes report high blood pressure, testicular atrophy, etc. SARMs can cause testosterone shutdown in a dose-dependent manner. People running SARMs will face low testosterone levels and will need a full PCT to recover after cycle.

However, SARMs seem to have less negative side effects compared to anabolic steroids. SARMs only target the androgen receptor in bone and muscle, whereas anabolic steroids affect vital organs such as the prostate. SARMs are also not liver toxic which other oral anabolic steroids may cause liver failure. For these reasons, SARMs are being heavily studied as a viable replacement for steroids.


SARMs, steroids and prohormones can and will cause testosterone suppression. Now, this can vary per individual. Generally, the higher amount you take and the longer you take them the more testosterone shutdown will occur. Some SARMs are more suppressive than others, so keep that in mind. SARMs like S-23 will cause complete shutdown, while other SARMs like Ostarine are generally more mild in side-effects. It is important to get blood-work done during and after cycle. A full blood panel will let you know how your body is doing. Now, how can one recover from a SARM cycle?

SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators) are utilized to restore testosterone and testicular function in the body. There are several SERMs that are available, Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) and Clomid are utilized by endocrinologists to restore FSH and LH gonadotropin in men and women. SERMs can also treat and prevent gynecomastia in men. Raloxifene, a SERM, has been shown to be most effective in treating and eliminating gynecomastia in men.

Now, one thing we would like to point out is to not confuse SERMs with an AI. An AI cannot be used as a PCT. Many people confuse SERMs with Aromatase Inhibitors and end up destroying their estrogen. This may result in agitated mood, anxiety, dry skin and painful joints.

From there, be sure to follow up with blood-work to see if your body fully recovered. Remember, always talk to your doctor about these things.

Malik Nauman

I am Malik Nauman. I love writing content. My mission is to ‘make a positive difference in the lives of people’. I hope I can use this passion to fulfill my mission.

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