There are a lot of people talking about Citicoline. How is it any different from other pain medications out there? What do people like about Citicoline and what does not work?
We’ve all been taking the top brand name pharmaceuticals for years and we have no idea how they are helping us. We simply don’t know if they are harming us or helping us. What we do know is that these drugs are ruining our bodies and killing us slowly.
But, they are so expensive for so many reasons, yet there are no clinical studies being done. I would like to see the patients who use these products to study themselves and the effects of these products, then we can decide whether they’re any good or bad.
Most of the claims on the Citicoline website are there to sell you more stuff and get you to buy their product. Unfortunately, the products themselves are nothing to write home about.
Don’t get me wrong, Citicoline does help some people, but most of the time they don’t have the symptoms I’m talking about. How do I know that?
Because I’ve been in that situation, and my insurance covered a portion of the expenses. The doctor told me that there were no side effects and he would give me an epidural. It wasn’t long before I started complaining about my back pain.
That’s when I learned about some of the new modern medical practices. My epidural disappeared without notice and I was told that I was now suffering from sciatica, which had never been mentioned in my Epidural notes. Where had that come from?
I think back to that day when I was going to the chiropractor because I had trouble getting out of bed, couldn’t walk or stand up for the first few weeks. I thought that I was suffering from muscle spasms, but I had never been able to sleep well, so the doctors told me that I was suffering from muscle weakness and problems in my lower back. And it got worse as the months went by.
It’s a pretty good idea to keep up with your doctor and keep track of how you feel. If you’re not sure what kind of medication you are taking and whether it is working or not, it might be a good idea to speak with your doctor. Your insurance may cover some or all of the cost and you should be completely informed before you start any medication or therapy.
Citicoline reviews will tell you that it helps with migraine headaches and muscle pain. I didn’t experience any of those things, but my girlfriend did and she says that it is definitely worth a try.
Citicoline reviews indicate that the side effects are quite manageable, but they are similar to those of Zantac and other common pain killers. They are hard to quit, and if you take too much they can cause a stomach upset. That’s what is meant by nausea.
It’s a good idea to find out everything you can about natural treatment and medication before you actually try one. Using medications that are supposed to help you with your pain can actually hurt you.