Common but Complicating Exterior Painting Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs!

Painting the outside of your home is that job which adds character and charm to your sweet home! It’s that popping factor which lets the onlookers feel eager to come and peep into your home — intrigued to know how beautiful the interiors are when the façade itself is so charming. That is why having your exterior painted exemplarily is essential.

Drastic Mistakes in Exterior Painting Work!

If you think there’s nothing that could go wrong in painting a roof or outer wall of your home, then you probably don’t know much! There can be some really huge mistakes in your exterior painting work, and these can spoil the perfection of your curb appeal! So, let’s read about these mistakes and try the best to avoid them at all costs.

  • Trying to paint on your own You probably thought, it’s a brush and paint and just slopping the paint on the walls. But actually, painting goes beyond the strokes and simple application. And even if you know all the steps by heart, if you aren’t even with your strokes and the layers are weird, imagine the final outcome of your exteriors! It would steal those points from your curb appeal rather than adding more to it. But if you call Flamingo Exterior Plastering for exterior painting, they will avoid such a huge mistake from happening. They are famous for their perfection in outdoor painting and excellent plastering work.
  • Ignoring the shades and weather — You just can’t start the painting work one fine day out of the blue. And especially when it is the house’s exterior! There can be dust coming from all sides, rain and snow pouring from above and wind swaying from everywhere. And all these factors can spoil your paint instantly. Avoid these mistakes by preparing the to-be-painted area beforehand with a shade or cover. You should also avoid this job during the rains or in the winter season.
  •  No preps before painting — Prepping the walls before painting them is an incredibly significant step! You need to repair the rotten area, prime the wooden one, and clean the dust in the walls before starting the paint. Ignoring these steps makes your paint work untidy and imperfect. Always fill the holes and dents and clean the area to be painted for the best and perfect layer of paint. Honestly, all these are best left to professionals.
  • Starting from the bottom — It can be super easy and convenient to start the paint work from the spot where you find it convenient. But never forget gravity while painting. The paint applied on the top drips to the bottom and consequently soils it. Imagine if you have already painted the bottom part! Wouldn’t it be a lengthy and frustrating task to do all this once again? Better, avoid this mistake – start painting from the top and gradually move downwards.

Well, these are the most common painting mistakes that often happen when the task is done on your exteriors. But these aren’t all! If you wait for too long for the next layer of paint, or are not using the right paint for the exteriors or even using the wrong equipment, even these can be big mistakes which may mar your efforts in beautifying your outdoors. 

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.

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