Comparison of Email Vs. SMS Verification

Security has always been, and will always continue to be, an issue for companies. Hackers’ techniques and methods are constantly evolving and this means that security features and methods must do the same. One of the most common forms of security is two-factor authentication (2FA). 2FA is an extra layer of security that is known as “multi factor authentication” that requires not only a username and password but also something that only the user has on them. SMS 2FA is one of the earliest, and most common, forms of 2FA.

There are a number of security companies that offer SMS verification services. For companies looking to increase security without disrupting their user flow too much, phone number verification is an ideal option. While there are more secure forms of 2FA, giant tech companies such as Google and Facebook are still using phone verification services to verify users.

SMS 2FA works as follows:

  • User enters their username and password.
  • If these are correct, a unique one-time password (OTP) is sent to the user’s registered phone number.
  • The user must submit the code when prompted to on the screen.

SMS is not the only option, email verification can also be used. However, SMS verification is generally a better option as it has a number of advantages over email.

Below, we will discuss some of the pros and cons of both email and SMS verification methods.


One might argue that SMS verification can be expensive and that email verification is much cheaper. Yes, this is correct. Email verification is very cheap to implement and maintain, but it has its downsides as you will see below.


When it comes to creating an email account, it’s quick, easy and free. Hence, there are significantly more fake email accounts than there are fake phone numbers, as phone numbers are a lot more difficult to set up. Because of this, SMS verification reduces spam accounts, helping you build a safer user community. Furthermore, phone numbers can be easily traced, while tracing email addresses can be difficult. So for a business owner looking to strengthen the security of their app or website, phone number verification is a safer and more secure option than email verification.

User Experience:

One of the most important aspects when choosing a form of 2FA is user experience. Obviously, phone numbers are easier for users to access than emails. Also, users generally don’t change their phone numbers frequently. According to a study, 95% of Americans generally keep just one single personal phone number throughout their lifetime. SMS lends itself to a much for straightforward and simple user flow. 


Generally, users have their phones handy and on them at all the times, allowing them to quickly receive the OTP and verify themselves. Users are not always logged into their email accounts and it can be cumbersome having log in on your phone, or worse, start up your computer just to access your emails. Also, email verification requires that you have an active internet connection at the time of verification.

These days, companies have many choices when it comes to selecting a verification provider. If you’re looking for an SMS verification API, there are companies such as Twilio. However, there are a number of companies that specialize purely in phone number verification and they are generally more aware of the exact requirements and solutions that companies are looking for. If you’re looking for a Twilio SMS alternative for phone number verification, I’d suggest looking at a company like RingCaptcha.


Olive Smith

Olive Smith is a professional blogger who loves to write on numerous topics.

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