Complete Guide for Precast Panel Installation

Today, people install precast concrete panels in their construction sites to reduce the overall construction time. Apart from that, you can easily install the precast panel in your outside areas and also build the walls from them. Earlier people used to use such precast concrete in the commercial areas, but now people are using such precast panels in their modern home too. It comes in a wide variety of colors and shapes which can give your home a fresh and modern touch. However, for precast panel installation, you need to hire licensed contractors and check their previous works as well as their online reviews to choose the best one for your construction projects.

How Would You Install the Precast Panels?

Precast Panel Installation
  • Planning: precast panel installation is a difficult task and it is not easy as installing plywood or wooden building materials. Before the precast panel installation, you need to assemble the materials. After installing the precast materials on your location, you can use cranes to lift such heavy precast panels for installation. In this stage, you must keep the required number precast panel ready, so that there is no delay or confusion in the process of installing them with a crane.
  • Permits: as you know that for any construction you need to take the permits from the local municipal authority. Similarly, to maintain the building norms, you need to take the required permission for precast panel installation from the same. The building codes are prescribed on your permit and you must maintain such codes during your construction. You need to decide the thickness and height of the graven base according to the building norms and choose the precast panels with minimum height for your domestic projects.
  • Gravel Base: for precast panel installation, you need to prepare the gravel base. You should prepare the gravel base with a minimum of 12 inch thickness and can choose high thickness according to the building norms. You should not pour any concrete materials on the gravel base as it is not required at all.
  • First Panel Installation: once you prepare the gravel base, you need to pull the first precast panel from the truck with the help of crane and then you can place it on the wall. You need to install the first precast panel on the corner of the wall to make the starting line, and then use 2×4 bracing on both side of the panels. This will give full support to your panel, and you can move on to the next panel afterward.
  • Second Panel Installation: after the first precast panel installation, you need to pull the second panel immediately from the truck and place it on the perfect position. You should install the second one on the right side of the first precast panel and remove the braces between two panels. Then make the holes in the panels and press them together.
  •  Sealing: after precast panel installation, you need to use the waterproof sealers to seal the panels. It is better to install a few panels and use the sealers to seal them first, and then you can move to the further precast panel installation again. Such sealers are available in a tube, and you can easily spray them on the panel. Once the panels are fixed, you need to use the spreader to smoothen the surface.

After you seal the panels, you need to erect the different panels from your location. But it is better to keep them for one day and remove the panels after they get sealed. Don’t be in a haste to complete your work at a faster rate as it may bear dangerous circumstances in the future.

Concrete no doubt has its own benefits, but precast concrete to has its own set of uniqueness and strengths. Apart from being known to reduce the construction time, precast concrete is also durable, versatile and easy on the environment.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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