Create a wellness retreat in your own home

People often say that they are preoccupied with their health, yet they do absolutely nothing to stay as strong as an ox. You could say that these individuals do not know what is good for them. They care more about their looks, expressing no concern for their physical, mental or social well-being. It is easy to forget about your health. We, as people, are disconnected from our bodies, the result is that we completely ignore the messages that it sends us. Since you are not distinctly like everyone else, you have been neglecting your wellbeing, just like the rest of us. What you need to do right now is disconnect from daily life and recharge your batteries. A wellness retreat will offer you the most rewarding experience ever. However, relaxation does not necessarily have to come in the form of an expensive resort. You can renew your body, mind, and soul at home. Keep on reading to find out what you need to do.

Work healthy foods into your diet

Work healthy foods into your diet

The first step to adopting a spa-like life at home is changing your dietary habits. Adopting new, healthier routines will help you prevent diseases like obesity or diabetes. You can considerably reduce your risk of developing such illnesses by eating certain foods on a daily basis. Before we check out the list with the healthiest foods ever, it is important to draw attention to the fact that nutritious substances should be consumed in their natural state, especially those that originate from the ground. When restocking your cabinets and fridge, make sure you have the following essentials:

  • Kale: In addition to the fact that kale has vitamins A, C, and K, this leafy green vegetable has many antioxidants that counteract the oxidative damage caused by the free radicals in the body. What is more, kale promotes eye health. If you think that your vision is in danger of getting worse, consume lots and lots of kale. You can steam cook it or make delicious smoothies.
  • Chicken: It is important to consume meat as part of your healthy diet. Chicken abounds in protein, which is the most important component of the cells of the body. If you did not know, your body uses protein so as to build and repair tissues. Chicken meat features many other nutrients, such as iron, selenium, phosphorous, zinc, and B vitamins.
  • Lemons: Who does not love the bitter-sweet taste of lemons? Maybe you are not exactly salivating at the thought of eating a lemon. Yet, you should include this miraculous fruit in your diet. Lemons are a great source of vitamin C and enhance the quality of the skin. When you eat lemons, you experience less skin dryness and your skin is clearer as the fruit has anti-inflammatory properties. Lemons, as well as lemon juice, fight against cancer, so you have all the more reason to consume this popular and versatile citrus.

Get a daily dose of exercise

Centers for wellness offer various facilities, including a fitness club, where you can run or practice your mountain biking. The good news is that you do not have to leave the home to get a good exercise. You do have a swimming pool, do you not? If you have an outdoor garden swimming pool, you can consider yourself lucky because you can get a full-body workout. Swimming is the best exercise, having a low impact and helping burn lots of calories. The aquatic sport is for all ages, so you do not have to worry if you are a little bit advanced in age. 1st Direct Pools advise knowing what you are dealing with before diving into the pool. To be more precise, the water needs to be healthy and sparkly clean. Make sure to test the water to see if there are enough chlorine levels. To avoid exhaustion, take regular breaks.  You do not need to swim for more than an hour. This is enough to exercise all the muscles of your body.

Bring the outdoors inside

You spend almost all of your time indoors, which is the reason why air quality matters. The quality of the air within and around the property is strongly connected to your health and comfort. Exposure to airborne pollutants can lead to dizziness, fatigue, irritation of the eyes and nose, and headaches. Plants are able to remove the toxins from the air that you breathe through a process that is called photosynthesis. What happens is that the green plants use the sunlight so as to synthesize nutrient from carbon dioxide and water, in turn producing oxygen. Living plants have many healing properties. Aloe vera, for instance, helps with burns, rashes, and, in general, with skin conditions. Consider inviting nature into your home. In addition to adding houseplants, you can create an herb garden into the kitchen. Select a few varieties, such as chives, basil, oregano, and parsley. When you cook, they will be at hand.

Build a relaxing fountain

Build a relaxing fountain

Do you have a meandering stream in your backyard? If not, that is a shame because such a water feature lets you take advantage of the natural sunlight. The rays of the sun will be shining through the water, creating a relaxing atmosphere. Most people are under the impression that fountains are simply decorative pieces. They are not. These water features promote good health. But how? Since they build a relaxing atmosphere, the fountains help calm the nerves and relieve stress. Do you not picture yourself unwinding at the sound of bubbling water? Chances are that you do. Building a fountain is not as complicated as it seems. All you have to do is dig a pump hole, place the basin, fit in the parts, make an opening, connect the pipe and pump, fit the decking, stack the stones, and, last but not least, assemble the fountain. Does that sound complicated? It is not, you can be sure of that. You can find instructions on the Internet if you are at a loss.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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