Created a Great Game? How to Monetize It

You have been putting your coding skills to good use creating an outstanding, highly interactive game. To be honest, even your friend’s beta testing it find it to be rather addictive. The next step is to deploy the game and monetize it so that you can earn a decent income from your efforts. The following are a few effective strategies for monetizing your new game.

Reward Video Ads

It goes without saying that you will want to put ads in your game app. Advertisers pay good money to get their ads in front of as many eyes as possible, and people tend to remember and recall ads within game apps fairly well. However, it is the ads that provide a reward for watching a small video clip that tend to be some of the easiest ads to make money with in a game app. This is because in app reward ads produce the highest ECPM available. This will allow many advertisers to use your app to advertise their products and/or services. This is definitely something you want to look into when developing your app or soon thereafter.

Data Monetization

An easy way to pick up revenue off of your new game app is to utilize a data monetization strategy. Many companies want to know things about your user, and they do not necessarily want to know highly personal information about them either. Often companies will pay to know what the user’s screen size, their country of origin or even what the device happens to be which the user plays your game on for that company’s own data collection purposes.

Mediation for Increased Monetization

If you want to put your game’s earning potential on steroids, then using a mediation strategy for monetizing your game is the way to go. With mediation, you are able to have access to many advertisers which are coordinated through a mediator to make managing your many advertisers much easier. This not only can earn you a lot more money off your game app, but it can reduce the amount of effort you will have to put forth to work with a slew of paying advertisers all at once.

Crowdfunding to Monetize Your App

One way to generate money to fund your game project is to use crowdfunding sites to acquire investment capital. This means that you will need to do some homework to learn about best practices crowdfunding. One area to be particularly concerned about is how to transition from the crowdfunding stage to the finding excited, new players and earning money off of the game app phase. Having a good strategy for this transition can eliminate the halting of momentum that often occurs at this critical juncture of the process.

With thousands of people playing your game, you are starting to see the money rolling in on a regular basis. Things were a little slow at first, but you watched as the momentum continued to build. Before long, you could see that your game was generating multiple streams of income from all your monetization efforts. This is good news, because you are now certain you can begin working on the next project for your game app enterprise.

Rachelle Wilber

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area.

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