Creative Ways to Announce Your Next Family Party

One of the funnest parts about organizing a family party or get-together is the creative opportunity you’ll have while making the party’s announcements and invitations. There are endless possibilities for the styling and theme of your party announcements but several particularly creative techniques have become a trend lately. Read on to discover unique ways to announce your next family party.


Social Media Event Planning


If most people in your guest list have social media profiles then you’re in luck! Social media platforms enable you to invite dozens of people to an event and get instant RSVP information from your cell phone. One platform that has become known for its reliable and robust event-planning feature is Facebook. With Facebook Events you can create and plan in-person events and add relevant data pertaining to your party’s time and location, dress code, guest, food, or gifting expectations, and other helpful information.


Facebook is a great way to announce your next family party because people tend to check their Facebook notifications often and it’s easy to respond or ask questions regarding the party. You can even set the event to private so that only invited guests will be able to see the event page.


Email Blasts with Group Messaging for Parties


Of course, not everyone has a Facebook profile, so you may want to have a backup method to announce your party information to family members who wouldn’t get the message on social media. This is where email blasts and group text messaging comes in really handy.


The best way to send an email blast is to find or create a template that reflects the theme of your party. You don’t need to know any HTML to send out a graphical, interesting email that will set the perfect tone for your party. In fact, there are many templates available online for such purposes including wedding templates, family reunion announcement templates, and birthday party email templates.


If you’re feeling creative and want to make your own email to distribute to invited guests then you should consider using a banner maker to create the heading. Banner makers allow you to type in a few lines of text such as “Birthday Party for the Twins” while choosing the font, colors, and styling that best suits your party’s theme.


Since not everyone checks their email on a daily basis you should consider sending out a blast test message if your party is being planned on short notice. This will allow you to reach everyone at once and ensure nobody gets left out.


Now Trending: Reveal Parties


One of the biggest trends in party and event planning as of the past couple years is reveal parties. These fun, unique formats allow you to invite guests and make your announcements while retaining a sense of mystery.


Reveal parties are often planned for pregnancy or gender announcements and make an excellent way announce new members to your family. Reveal parties can also be thrown for other events like wedding vow renewals, engagement announcements, and any other get-together involving surprises that affect members of your family.


You can use social media announcements to plan your reveal party and allow guests to make guesses regarding the information you’re going to reveal. This is a new twist on the tradition of gender-guessing pools and many families are using the method to make a game out of surprise engagements and other announcements, as well.


Planning and announcing a party is fun in the age of social media and graphical email and text messaging. Make use of Facebook’s Events feature or group emails to announce your party to dozens or hundreds of guests instantaneously. If you’re using Facebook or email to announce your party consider making a custom banner to upload for it or getting a template to suit your party’s theme. If your party will be the setting of a new family announcement then consider using the fun, trending reveal party format to keep guests in anticipation of your party.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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