Dealing Emotionally with Moving for the First Time

Moving out of your first home can be emotionally taxing. Generally, the longer you’ve lived in a home, the more difficult it is to detach yourself from it, put it up for sale and move on. It’s essential to keep in mind that it’s your house you’re selling, not the memories you’ve made while living there.

Developing the Proper Perspective

The process of selling your first home and moving into another home can be less stressful if you can reach the point of viewing your home as a piece of property, not as a part of you. A real estate agent can help you prepare your home for the market. They may also be able to help you emotionally detach from your home and view it as an investment you’re selling in order to embark on a new adventure.


Statistics show that staging a home can expedite the sale of the home. One of the first steps involved in staging your home is to remove most of the personalized décor. You can pack up tangible items that connect to memories so that they will be boxed up and ready for the moving truck. Once you remove personal items such as pictures and décor items that reflect your personality, your home will be less cluttered. It won’t have quite the same emotion-filled atmosphere as it did when family photos hung on the wall or that quirky lamp from a family member sat on a side table in the family room.

The Moving Process

If you are moving from your first home, you probably don’t have a lot of experience preparing for the move or packing for the move. You can make the entire process easier on yourself if you hire a full service moving company to take care of the details. You’re going to need boxes, packing material and labels. Professional movers have the equipment necessary to move large pieces of furniture and appliances. They also have the physical strength to load your furniture. The moving process can go much more smoothly when you have professionals to handle the small and large details.

Separating from Friends

With all of the technological advances that have occurred in recent years, it’s exceptionally easy to stay connected with friends regardless of how much physical distance separates you from your friends. However, nothing can replace the pleasure of going out with friends or having friends over to watch a sporting event or movie or to enjoy a cookout. Before moving, you could get together with your friends, take lots of pictures, have a fun-filled party and make plans for them to visit you in your new home. It’s best to anticipate the joy of making new friends rather than dwell on the separation from long-time friends.

It is unreasonable to pretend that moving from your first home will be stress-free and void of emotion. However, by acknowledging that there will be some sentimental moments you can be prepared for them and make it a point to refocus on the future rather than reflecting on the past. Keep a positive attitude knowing that happy memories will be made in your next home, just as they were in your first home.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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