Debunking the myths around tattoos currently face

Do you really want to get a tattoo but are wary because of the negative information in the public domains? Well, you aren’t the only one doubting about getting a tattoo done. A lot of people are wary because of all the rumors they have read or heard about them. In fact, parents tend to dissuade their children from getting tattoos because of the negative media onslaught tattoos currently face. It is difficult to make an informed choice because of the biased information available in the public domain. Moreover, this negative information is largely spread by the Generation X which uses it as a tool to prevent the subsequent Generation Y from experimenting tattoos!

To combat biased views available online, we bring you this post where we debunk some of the myths about tattoos:

  1. Getting a tattoo spoils your future job prospects

This is a big myth that you must’ve heard of. Getting a tattoo doesn’t spoil your future job prospects. Most companies don’t pay much attention to tattoos at all. This myth was further debunked when a study conducted by the British Sociological Association, on 192 managers, showed that the managers are more likely to recruit people with tattoos to acquire a contemporary and chilled out image for their business. Tattoos are being seen as symbols of integration with the youth by managers and the general population.

  1. You will get infected with a pathogen if you get a tattoo done

This myth is born out of paranoia. There is a slight risk of getting an infection and only if you visit a shabby shop to get your tattoo done. Most good shops maintain the strictest of hygiene standards to ensure that their customers don’t face any health issues. Granted that a slight risk of infection may be present, but it becomes negligible if you visit a good and dependable shop to get your tattoo done.

  1. Getting a tattoo can cause permanent scarring of body tissues

This is another popular myth you hear many elderly people say. This is completely false, and there is no scarring involved in the process of getting a tattoo. There may be slight bleeding caused by the penetration of the needle but that’s it. Moreover, permanent scarring cannot be observed even in the sloppiest of cases. A mild swelling may be observed right after getting the tattoo, but it will subside in a few days. Moreover, any such mishap can be avoided if you visit a reliable shop like the Mystic Owl Tattoo in Atlanta.

  1. Getting a tattoo makes you look like a criminal

This myth is not just atrocious but also amusing. This was probably born from the concept of Hollywood movies since most gangsters and criminals in the movies have tattoos. However, getting a tattoo or two is not a reflection of someone’s character. Tattoos are just like any other beautifying method and they have no relation to anyone’s behavior altogether. Society is moving towards a greater acceptance of tattoos, so this myth is absurd and a recognizable false statement.

All said and done, getting a tattoo on your body is a big decision. It is a decision with which you will have to live for the rest of your life. With this article, our aim was to show you how some of the myths surrounding tattoos are grossly untrue so that you may make a well-informed choice. Make sure you factor in everything before you decide to get a tattoo. You may want to speak to your family or employer in case they have any reservations about tattoos before getting one.

Emily Wilson

Emily Wilson is a fashion and personal grooming expert who runs her own blog. She advises her fans and readers to opt for inexpensive ways of looking stylish.

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