Deep clean your kitchen in the quickest way possible

Kitchen cleaning is one of the most time-consuming chores nobody really wants to take up. Whether compact or large, any kitchen that is being cleaned after a long time will require extra time and efforts. You might as well need some tips to crack this hard nut. So, there you go.

1. Get off on the right foot : The most perplexing part of kitchen deep cleaning is ‘where to begin’. While you may pick any corner and start cleaning, doing it in the correct order is important because what you clean first might get dirty as you tackle other areas. Whatever you do, keep dirty dishes as the last thing on your to-do list. However, if you have a separate cabinet to keep utensils, tackle dirty dishes the first thing as you start.

2. Create a checklist : It might sound like a no-brainer, but most homeowners tend to miss out on details while cleaning their kitchen. In this regard, creating a checklist will help you cover everything and identify areas that require prior attention. After you are done cleaning and sink in your bed to relax, you do not want to bawl over the thought that you almost forgot kitchen canopy cleaning. Cleaning a kitchen canopy is in itself a difficult chore, especially when you don’t have the right skills and equipment. In that case, leaving this task to a professional would make more sense.

3. Vacuum : A vacuum cleaner can knock the cleaning time to half, but you should be careful when cleaning around loose kitchen items. As much as it is convenient to use a vacuum cleaner, things can go south if any item gets sucked in accidentally. So, declutter the floors and countertop before you plug in the vacuum.

4. Top-down approach : Here, top-down approach simply means starting with the ceiling and then cleaning your way down to the floor. Once you are done dusting every nook and corner of your kitchen, de-clutter the countertop and wipe it clean. Wipe down every container separately and toss items in the trash which are no longer edible.

5. Refrigerator & Microwave : It is advisable to clean your refrigerator once every month but you have not been doing that until now, you might have to put in little extra efforts to get the job done. Before cleaning the refrigerator from inside, unplug to defrost first. Meanwhile, take out all the items to clear up some space for cleaning. Refrigerator and microwave should be cleaned very carefully from the inside, using recommended cleaning solutions because regular soap can damage the finish.

6. The easiest way to clean greasy surfaces : When it comes to kitchen deep cleaning, greasy surfaces are difficult to tackle for someone who has never picked up a mop before. The most common greasy areas are around the kitchen canopy or wherever the smoke goes. But you don’t have to worry at all. Here’s the easiest way to clean it.

Mix baking soda and degreasing dish soap in boiling water to create a dense mixture. Pour this mixture on the greasy surface, let it sit there for a couple of minutes and wipe it off with a non-abrasive brush. Repeat the process in case you are not satisfied with first-time results.

6. Plunging : A kitchen that has not been cleaned in a long time may have debris and clogging elements in the sink. While you are on the roll, clean the kitchen sink and unclog the drain to allow free-flow of water.

If you feel cleaning your kitchen is a lot of work, you can hire professionals for kitchen deep cleaning in Manchester or wherever you are based.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.

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