Dental Health for the Whole Family

Being in charge of your family’s dental health isn’t easy. Not only do you have to keep up with brushing and flossing, you also have to manage the dental appointments for you and your children while also trying to teach them good dental habits from a young age. If you happen to be pregnant, you have to add on managing the health of someone who isn’t even here yet. Here are a few tips to make life a little bit easier when it comes to your family’s teeth.


Making Teeth Brushing Fun

Every parent knows the dreaded struggle of trying to get your kids to brush their teeth. They often have excuse after excuse as to why they don’t need to. The key is to make brushing their teeth a fun activity.


A lot of kids don’t like to brush their teeth because they find the mint flavors of toothpaste a little too strong. The menthol aftertaste can be a shock to their tiny mouths, so why not let them choose their own toothpaste? Children’s toothpaste comes in a wide variety of flavors and letting them have a choice in the matter gives them a feeling of ownership which, in turn, makes it seem like brushing their teeth is an important job in which they have a say.


Because tooth brushing is a daily routine, try adding a little competition into the mix. You can see who creates the most bubbles from the toothpaste. You can ensure the little ones’ teeth are getting clean and they’re having fun while they do it. The importance of dental health in childhood is incredibly important because the enamel on their baby teeth isn’t as strong. Lack of proper care of this weaker enamel can lead to cavities which result in more trips to the dentist and poor dental health overall.


Over time, brushing their teeth will become a daily habit just like washing their face or removing their contact lenses before bed. It’s important to start this early on. Then it simply becomes an automatic part of their day.


Dental Health and Breastfeeding

If you have a newborn to care for, their teeth are probably the last thing on your mind. Besides, if they haven’t come in yet, it’s not time to worry about them yet, right? You might be surprised to know that immediately upon the baby’s arrival, there are a few things you can do that will help their teeth later on.


Breastfeeding has many, many benefits for both the mother and child, but did you know it’s associated with dental health as well? Breastfeeding helps create a proper bite ahead of time. In fact, several studies show that mothers who breastfeed for at least six months have children with fewer alignment issues than those who don’t. The benefits of breastfeeding are endless but if you’re thinking about dental health, this is one to remember.


Finding a Dentist for the Family

We’ve touched on a few things you can do on your own to help with the dental health of the family, but you’re going to need outside help too. Finding a dentist that’s both a good fit for you and your kids as well as one that fits your budget requirements can be a bit of a struggle. Dental care in the United States is extremely pricey, especially if you don’t have insurance. Fortunately, there are some ways you can get less expensive care.


Dental schools often offer dental procedures at discounted rates. The dental work is completed by a student but is supervised by one of their teachers. This allows the student to gain experience and you get the bonus of a discounted rate. Most universities have dental school and will offer programs like this but you can also check with the American Dental Association online to see which ones are closest to you.


If you’re working with a tight budget, some dental offices have ‘sliding scales.’ This means they base the cost of procedures on your financial situation. It often results in discounted rates to help you when dental care is hard to expense at the moment. You might also consider utilizing telehealth where possible, which can help to cut back on the cost of going into the office.


Regardless of what stage of life you’re in, dental care should always come as a priority for both you and your family. It doesn’t have to be a struggle and it can even be something you and your little ones enjoy together. While you’re keeping your teeth clean and healthy, they’re watching you and will want to do the same.

Noah Rue

Noah Rue is a journalist and content writer, fascinated with the intersection between global health, personal wellness, and modern technology who spend his downtime outdoors.

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