Dentists News: Acid Reflux Linked to Teeth Erosion

Acid reflux could be defined as an immensely undesirable condition, but very few people knew that it could damage the teeth. First, try to understand what acid reflux is.

Acid reflux happens when the acids produced by your stomach moves up and reaches the esophagus, causing heartburn or excessive chest pain. The same acids can also erode the enamel. Enamel is the strongest part of the human body. It is the hard layer that protects teeth from chemicals, extreme temperatures, etc.

When the enamel erodes, your teeth become prone to decay and cavities. You may notice that sour foods, hot and cold beverages, and sweets irritate your teeth to the greatest extent. This is because the substances are entering through the holes in the enamel and aggravating the nerves present inside.

Tips to Prevent Enamel Erosion

There are multiple things that can eat away the teeth, such as dry mouth, brushing roughly, binge drinking, bulimia, sweets, pickles, bruxism, etc. The most common cause of teeth erosion, however, is acid reflux.

  • Dental Care

Schedule an appointment with a dentist after every six months for professional cleaning and comprehensive evaluation of your enamel. Brush and floss as instructed by the dentist twice a day. Inform of issues that you find suspicious.

  • Control Acid Production

The only way to control acid production is by visiting a gastroenterology specialist. He/she will specify the ways through which you can stop the acids from entering your teeth. You may be asked to lose your weight, consume smaller meals, quit cigarette smoking, and reduce alcohol intake.

  • Review the Diet

A reason to visit a naturopath or nutritionist is that teeth erosion depends a lot on your diet. Cut back on citrus fruits, sodas, pasta sauce, etc. You can opt for juices with low acidic content instead.

  • Drink with Straw

If you have found juices or beverages with low acidic content, make sure to drink them with a straw. This lets the liquid bypass the teeth. As the liquid does not come in contact with your teeth, your teeth remain unharmed.

  • Avoid Brushing Right After Acidic Meals

Wait for at least an hour, and then brush your teeth carefully using a toothbrush with soft bristles. Acidic foods weaken the enamel. When you start brushing the teeth immediately after the meal, there is a high chance of you scrubbing the enamel off.

You are surely wondering if damaged enamel can be restored. The dentist will develop a custom solution depending on the severity of the condition. It may require dental bonding if it’s affected the teeth’ appearance. You will be considered an ideal candidate for bonding, which protects by covering a chipped, worn out, or stained tooth.

If the dentist discovers you have lost excessively of enamel, he/she may have to cover the tooth using a crown for to prevent

You must stay on top of dental health, especially if you are suffering from acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). When left unaddressed, besides teeth erosion, GERD is also noted to cause sharp, thin, and pitted teeth that may break at the slightest trigger. Please feel free to share your insights regarding the discussion below in the comment section.

Tom Clark

I have substantial digital marketing experience & my primary focus is content writing. I have handled several design and development projects and helped businesses enjoy high ranks

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