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Designers Reveal How to Build A Bathroom That Feels Like Home

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Combine or split bathroom with the toilet? This is the question when renovating a bathroom.

Bathroom supply store New Bathroom Style found out from designers and architects who and under what circumstances should combine a bathroom and what cases it is contraindicated.

Separate bathrooms in the small buildings delighted many – it’s so convenient! True, the baths were tiny: you only had to stand or sit. But times are changing – modern man is used to comforting. The bathroom is being expanded so that there is space for unique bathroom vanities and a whirlpool bath. At the same time, a separate toilet can be easily donated. How to understand in what conditions it is better to combine a bathroom and in what situations, on the contrary, to divide?

Big family – more privacy

A bachelor or an unmarried young lady does not need a separate bathroom. This item does not affect the choice of an apartment, and you will not have to redo an already combined bathroom. For a couple without children, this question is also usually unimportant.

But for a family of three or more people, designers advise choosing an apartment with a separate bathroom and big 84 inch bathroom vanity, or even better with two. But it all depends on the preferences, lifestyle of the family, and behavior scenarios. Let’s say a family in which the spouses leave home in the morning at different times does not suffer from a combined bathroom.

For a family where a couple of schoolchildren and two working parents need a bathroom simultaneously, it is better if the premises are separate. The same applies to the case when one or more family members like to take a bath for a long time. In a combined bathroom, this can become a problem for the rest of the household and a source of conflict.

Looking for a place for a jacuzzi

Most often, a separate bathroom is combined in old houses to gain a little space. For example, in tiny homes with sit-down bathtubs 40-50 inches long, such a redevelopment allows you to install a full-size bathtub in which you can lie down with foam and relax. The need for any additional equipment makes it necessary to expand the area of the bathrooms of the apartment owners.

Evaluating the form

If the owner’s bathroom area is already satisfied, if he is comfortable and comfortable in this room, then it makes no sense to attach a toilet to it. But sometimes, the decision on a separate bathroom is forced. Ideally, after combining, you should get a rectangular or square room without unnecessary protrusions and niches. But this is not always the case, so sometimes it is easier to leave everything as it is.

On the other hand, if there is a chance to expand the bathroom at the expense of the corridor (the law does not prohibit this), then usually it is combined. Otherwise, a separate toilet runs the risk of getting uncomfortable – too narrow and long or with a door leading directly into the hallway.

We plan communications

Another problem is the proximity of communications to plumbing. After combining the two rooms, the toilet, sink, and bathtub may move to opposite corners from where they were located before.

We save on finishing.

When buying a finished apartment, it makes no difference whether there will be a separate bathroom or a combined one – you still won’t be able to save on repairs. But if you got an apartment with a free layout or secondary housing that requires major repairs, then the combined bathroom will cost a little cheaper.

By combining a toilet and a bathroom, you can reduce the cost of repairs: you do not need rough and finishing materials for the construction and decoration of the partition on both sides. Having saved on the section, the newcomer will buy higher quality plumbing fixtures or higher class tiles.

The absence of an extra door not only does not require money for its purchase and installation but also visually lightens the interior and makes it more comfortable for residents to move inside the apartment.

For a separate bathroom, you will be able to choose different finishing materials. Sometimes it is more profitable because leftovers in building supermarkets are usually sold at a considerable discount.

In addition, you will have to spend money on an electric fan for the hood in some cases because general ventilation in a multi-story building does not always cope with the quick removal of unpleasant odors.

When deciding on the merger or division of the bathroom, it is necessary to weigh which points are fundamentally crucial for residents and which are secondary. This must be done before the start of the repair to avoid unnecessary expenses.

In addition, combining a bathroom is a redevelopment that will have to be coordinated and additional money and time spent on it.

Tom Clark

I have substantial digital marketing experience & my primary focus is content writing. I have handled several design and development projects and helped businesses enjoy high ranks