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Designing and re-designing your children’s room? Sure, let’s hear it!

kid's room 1Designing your kid’s room is one of the most exciting things to do! When you know your little one will be spending time there, having fun, maybe even making his/her first steps in that same room you decorated, the whole experience of making that space gorgeous is even more stimulating and even more fun!

Still, no matter how fun designing kids’ room can be, it is also very challenging.

– Whether you start designing kid’s room from scratch of remodeling existing one, you should draw a plan or a sketch. Do the kid’s (re)design on paper or using some of CAD software if you are familiar with them. Explore as many options as you can think of. It’s easier to move drawing of furniture on paper, than moving any piece of furniture in kid’s room and not being satisfied with the result. Improvising without any plan might cost you more, so start with some kind of a plan.

– Rely on your own experience. You know very well what you have or haven’t liked in your room when you were a child. Think what is, let’s say “wrong”, in the current design of kid’s room. Design part of the room that could easily become you kids’ favorite place for spending time. Maybe you should buy an extra book shelf or a bigger closet?

– Next thing you should think of is the real purpose of a kid’s room and tailor the room design according to that. If it’s going to be the space only for a sleep over, then focus on beds and make it the best place for sleeping.

– Try not to be limited with the floor plan. Be creative as much as you can. Search online, there are many solutions for almost every room size.kid's room 2

– Talk to your children and see what they want. They think in a different way, and some great ideas could come out of this conversation. Also, kids will have the feeling that they are important in this project. During the conversation be clear that you are only listening to their proposals and wishes, not taking orders from them. Remember that you are designing the place where they will spend most of their time.

– Budget is a limiting factor and you should be aware of this. It’s nice to have the top notch pieces of furniture and design the room according to the interior design trends, but it’s not always affordable and it might not be functional as well. Being realistic while making (re)design plan of kid’s room will prevent you from leaving the kid’s room half-finished, or from finishing the room with the budget larger than you have planned in the first place.

– While choosing items (furniture pieces, decorations or even toys) distinguish which one of them is intended to be in this room long-term and which one are only temporary. Desk, bed and storage pieces should be high-end as much as you can afford with the budget you have.

kid's room 2 (2)– Wall decorations, rugs, curtains and toys, of course, should be considered as temporary ones. Some day you can give kid’s room the new look by simply changing the rug, without spending much money. This is important of you want to personalize the room according to your kids’ preferences. Be aware while choosing the color palette of the furniture, especially the expensive ones. Choose the neutral color palette, so it can easily fit with almost any wall color if you decide to repaint the room after few years.

– Going to the store and buying the things you need for the kid’s room is more stressful than you think. Go there without kids until you narrow your choices that can fit in your budget and in the room as well. Kids can be allowed to choose from the narrow choice you have made. Don’t promise them something that you aren’t sure you’re going to buy for their room.

– When decorating, don’t forget about functionality of the place. Remember – your children will be spending most of the time on the floor playing, so buy high quality kids rugs, warm yet cool in design.

It’s not easy to (re)design the room. If you feel stuck or lack of ideas, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Lots of interior design agencies offer their services, and will surely help you find the optimal solution. Looking at your children playing and spending time in their room is the best reward that you can be given for your effort in (re)designing their room.


Diana Smith

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to health and alternative medicine. In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.

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