Designing Homes – The Science That Creates New Heaven!

Finding a place like heaven is hard to do, however, frequently we hear people saying home is where the heaven resides. Knowing home has the synergy of heaven on the earth, as humans, we need to make sure while building a house, we are actually combining various energies to decorate our personal heaven. 

House is not just a foundation of bricks and walls, in fact, a house is built with the essence of togetherness, oneness, and unconditional love. To give it the magic of all these ingredients, knowing how to design every corner of the house requires a different science. 

Here are some tips to consider before designing your house to give the explore the power to recycle happiness within the walls:

  • Figure Out The Purpose of Each Room: 

First thing first, rooms have their own simple energies. For example, a dining room should have a dining table which is must and a study room has its own decorum to follow. However, there are a couple of rooms that need to have a unique edge of style as their composition describes a lot about the room. Generally, the color synergy, the theme, and the decor need to be designed according to the usage of the room. 

Before designing ask yourself a basic question about what do you want to do with the room. Having a library in the house will have a different sense of design and to give it a feel like that the furniture will be a bit choosy. A kitchen will have all the appliances and decor accordingly, in fact, here are a couple of tips for kitchen design layout. If the bedroom is where your hearts belongs then same goes for the bedroom too. Therefore, before designing your house, understand the purpose of each room. 

  • Set A Budget:

Once you understand what needs to be done with every room then you need to make a budget for the same. Figure out what theme you want to give to the rooms like; ethnic, modern, antique etc. also, ensure the amount of furniture you want and the space that it will occupy in every room. 

It is totally a waste if you have to spend of unnecessary items that do not even go with your house theme and do not fit in the budget. From walls to decoratives, a lot of things can be done to give your house a look that your guests will enjoy. 

  • Have A Blueprint For Every Room:

Having a layout of your house in your mind will do no good to you. In fact, it will complicate the situation for you. Therefore, always get your thoughts designed on a sheet. This gives a scope of evaluation of what needs to be done in every corner of the house and what rearrangements can be done to make the best use of space available in the house. 

A blueprint also aids in knowing where the walls, doors, kitchen, rooms, and balcony would go. Imagine buying a bed for your room that does not even fit inside the dimensions you kept and blocks your closet. What will you do then? That is why blueprint marks your lengths and breadths to make sure your house has everything you need accordingly.

  • Have Enough Space for Additions:

House is not which you will reconstruct every year. Decorating it with love and tender care make it unique in its own way. Therefore, if any addition needs to be done, that can be done later only if some empty space has been kept. A decorative, a piece of furniture can enhance the aura of a room, provided the room has enough space to adjust new changes. 

Also, the color schemes of a house affect the human behavior in many certain ways. Creativity, positivity, and happiness can be elevated if right colors are on the walls. For example, if the walls are painted white, the room looks clean and wide. 

  • Pick Your Accessories Later:

Never purchase accessories before you purchase the main furniture. For instance, do not purchase drapes before you paint your walls or do not purchase vase before you buy beds or side tables. Everything will fit-in if purchased at a right time. Do not end up buying too many decoratives that crowd your house. In fact, do the smart shopping, purchase accessories that add to the brand value of your house 

If accessories are what you aspire then never fall for them before your rooms are ready. Also, plants are a great way of playing with the energy around the house. Having a plant in each room gives a new flavor to your home decor

Know your home and design it with your designing style and statement of course, along with a professional assistance.  

Lara Buck

Lara Buck, a knowledgeable and qualified blogger. Here you can see my skills which gives you brief ideas on understanding all the concepts with different themes.

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