Diet Trends: Do They Work and Which One Should I Do?

Dieting is an amazing way to condition your body and improve your health. However, some undeniably work better than others. Let’s take a very close look at some diet trends, whether they work and which ones you should do.


First and foremost, keto is one of the hottest diets of 2020. Keto is all about limiting your carb intake while keeping the same amount of energy. This is accomplished by eating lots of healthy fats from dawn to dusk. You want to deplete your glucose levels as much as possible so your body burns fat instead. 


Experts have said very good things about the keto diet. When followed for a week, you’ll already a noticeable change in your health. Keto doesn’t really aim to lose weight, but rather to provide your body with a switch in nutrients for the better. 


One of the hardest parts about keto is simply finding foods that adhere to these guidelines. Most meals from takeout venues are loaded with carbs in some shape or form. You’ll likely want to begin cooking on your own so you can limit your carbs and boost your meals with healthy fats.

Whole 30

The whole 30 diet is one of the simplest out there. All you have to do is eat whole foods for 30 days straight. As you likely know, whole foods provide more nutrients than processed foods and contain valuable vitamins for your body. 


For example, you might turn to apple cider vinegar capsules as natural ways to support digestion and weight loss. These capsules are made of natural substances that easily break down within your body. Some nutritionists say that the whole 30 diet isn’t really a diet in the first place. 


It’s more of a lifestyle that everyone should strive to follow. All in all, eating whole foods most definitely helps your body sustain itself and function as needed. If you don’t know where to begin, we recommend the whole 30 diets just to expose yourself to the world of dieting.


The vegan diet is one of the oldest diets in the book. Vegans don’t eat any type of meat or fish. You can also opt for varying degrees of veganism where certain organisms are allowed. Beginners tend to choose a lenient diet and slowly work their way up to the strictest ruleset. 


Whether this diet is effective really comes down to the individual. Some people thrive on plant-based diets that are supplemented by protein additives. On the other hand, other people struggle with these artificial sources of protein and need meat for stability. 


Although you might be eating a lot of fruits and vegetables in your normal life, you have to become vegan yourself to truly see if it is right for you. Fortunately, there are many vegan stores and chains that specialize in these products. It should be no issue getting ahold of vegan foods and supplements and eating as usual.

Intermittent Fasting

Last but not least, intermittent fasting has been on the rise in recent years. The principle behind intermittent fasting is straightforward; you limit the times in the day when you consume food. After a certain point in the evening, you stop eating. Before a certain time in the morning, you don’t feed your body either. 


Often times, you end up eating the same quantity of food, so how can such a diet be effective? It comes to your metabolism and how you expend energy. When looking at scientifically, researchers are absolutely on board with intermittent fasting. Many experts believe it is a fantastic alternative to starving yourself throughout the day. If you have a good deal of self-control, there are very few downsides to intermittent fasting.


When all is said and done, some of these diet trends work and should be done on a regular basis. If you can follow a diet diligently, you’ll notice improvements to your health within a short timeframe. Mix up the ingredients in your diet and reap all of the benefits!

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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