Different Types Of Contact Lenses And Which One Is Right For You

Getting contact lenses to get better vision is a very good idea. But there are so many different options available in the market that it can be quite confusing for first time buyers. However, it is important to choose the right lenses.

Here Are Some Factors that separate different lenses

When it comes to contact lenses, there are many different factors that set one pair apart from another. Or instance the material with which it is made plays a distinguishing role. It also determines the price of the lenses. There are primarily two types of contact lenses:

  • Hard lenses are completely gas permeable and are made with stronger material as compared to the other type of lenses.
  • Soft lenses are to some extent gas permeable. They also have higher water content compared to hard lenses. Some soft lenses have over 50 per cent content.

Expiry Of Lenses Or Length Of Usage

Depending on the type of lenses you can wear them for different lengths of time. Hard lenses have a longer wearable time compared to soft lenses. You can get hard lenses that are wearable even up to several years. Usually hard lenses are wearable for at least six months or one year.

Soft lenses are usable for a very short period of time and you can wear them only for that short duration. Sometimes you have to replace them daily, however you can also get soft lens that have to be replaced every fortnightly or monthly.

You can also get night and day lenses that can even be worn when you are asleep. These require periodical removal of protein build up and also have a regular care routine.

Different Designs Of Lenses And Picking The Right One For You

When it comes to contact lenses, you can choose from there different designs. The different designs are created based on different types of vision impairment. You will have to pick a design that is suitable for you.

These designs include:

  • Toric lenses. This design is specifically made for patients who suffer from astigmatism.
  • Spherical lenses. This particular design is used to correct the vision of patients who suffer from short or far sightedness. These impairments are also known as myopia or hypermetropia.
  • Multifocal lenses. These types of lenses have been designed for people who suffer from presbyopia.

Uses Of Different Lenses

Apart from the different designs there are mainly four general uses for contact lenses. This determines the reason for which you are buying the lenses. While many people buy the lenses to rectify their visual impairments, a lot of people are also buying these for cosmetic purpose. The four different categories of lenses include:

  • Optical use is the most common category. These types of lenses are used to cure visual impairments.
  • Therapeutic use is for treating certain medical conditions and helps certain medicines to perform better. It is commonly used for treating conditions like diseased corneas.
  • Cosmetic lenses are used to change the person’s eye colour. They are commonly used as a supplement to makeup and to create a certain look.
  • Decorative are similar to cosmetic lenses but are more elaborate and even contain patterns and designs. A common example is lenses that make your eye look like a cat’s eye or are in rainbow colours.

The brand, transparency and the purpose of the lenses determines the contact lenses price and value. Since every person is different and has different lifestyle, it is important to pick a type of contact lenses that is best suited to your eye and the kind of usage you are going to put it through.

Melissa Hamler

I am Melissa Hamler, an experienced and professional blogger. I love to write blog on various topics, like: automotive,home improvement, business, health etc.

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