Do You Hate Putting on Labels?


When it comes to production, labels are a fact of life. However, there are better ways to approach this part of your business. If you use the right tools and plans, you can avoid the extra work often associated with labels and enjoy a number of benefits. Here is why you should take a second look at how you are labeling packages in your operation:



When you have to manually print off each label and apply it, it can take a lot of time. The back and forth between the machine, the walking, and the actually pulling of the label take enough time. then you have to deal with applying it by hand and trying to get it just right. This can take up valuable time. A print apply labeler simply does this for you. It prints automatically right onto the item or package so you or your workers don’t have to. This has a number of other benefits you might not realize as well:



When a person is responsible for putting a label on something, there is going to be less consistency. Each package will end up looking a little different. The label might even be put in the wrong spot. This can lead to quality control issues and rejects. A machine, however, makes sure to put it in the right spot each time so you don’t have to worry about having a bad reputation for your production having bad labels.



Throughout the day, people use up willpower via glucose in their brains. This energy source is zapped when they expend energy or have to make decisions. By eliminating the need to worry about this mundane part of your business, you can free yourself and your employees up to focus on higher level things that can actually grow your business.



For a business to be scalable, it has to be able to reach a mass market and repeat its processes without adding much to the overhead. This is the case with software, but what about your production company. How do you scale and automate it? You use a printer and label applier that does this for you. That way, whether you want to ramp up to take on more business opportunities and increase profits or if you want to sell your business it is much easier.


Employee Satisfaction

One of the most thankless jobs in the world is applying labels to items on a production floor. This means that your workers are going to get burnt out sooner or later. If you can find something else for them to do, they may stick around longer. This lets you retain quality workers and avoid the hiring and training costs associated with a high turnover rate.



When you depend on a human workforce, you open yourself up to a lot of liability. They can make mistakes, call in sick, and not put in the full effort. This makes it harder to have the confidence that you can depend on them. However, when you use machinery that is automated, it removes these obstacles.



Every company is in business to make money. Sure, you want to provide the best products and services you can but you also need to pay the bills and payroll. In order to do that, you need to cut costs where you can. Getting a print and apply labeler will help you achieve this.


Using the right labeling technique and approach can help you in a number of ways in your business. It can save time, money, and effort. That way you have more time and cash to focus on the higher level of your business. So don’t waste more time and money on your labeling process than you need to. Use the tips above and streamline your company so you can be in a better position to compete in your industry now and into the future.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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