Do you want to go fishing? Learn about the precautions that need to be taken

Fishing is nothing but catching fish from the water using the fishing equipment. Anyone and everyone with some amount of interest can do fishing, and there is no restriction on anyone from fishing in areas other than regulated areas.  In some countries, the Government has set some standards regarding fishing.  This is done to save our fauna to our future generations.  Especially fishing of small fish is supposed to be avoided. Anything else can be fished from the water.  Before proceeding further, you need to take note of the following:

  • Legal standards set by Government: Since fishing is done mostly for business, several restrictions have been set up on this industry. There are some fishing areas where certain permissions have to be taken before fishing.
  • Illegal fishingis fishing done without considering the fishery laws and thereby violating them. This is normally done by some greedy people who want to make more money.  This is commonly found in fishery areas which come under the coastal state jurisdiction or high seas fisheries regulated by RFMO. RFMO, when expanded, is regional fisheries management organizations.
  • Unreported fishingis that fishing which is done without reporting the concerned authority or RFMO. This is again a violation of fishery laws.
  • Unregulated fishingis generally done by vessels which do not have regulated licenses or does not belong to the nationality.  Even harvesting in unregulated areas also is considered as unregulated fishing.

The above mentioned three points are important in case you are fishing for business.  But if you are doing it for fun or as an adventure sport, then prior permission from the concerned authority will be sufficient.  This is applicable only if fishing is done in the regulated areas.

  • Usage of equipment: Normally, when you are fishing you require a fishing rod which should be so strong that it can hold the fish. Nowadays, Muskellunge is very popular. It is also called Musky, which is very large in size and experts say that the length of the fish may be almost nearing to five feet. The weight of musky fish is very heavy and may weigh up to 70 pounds. So when you are planning to fish such a thing you need a suitable rod and reel. A reel is a revolvable device. When something is wound on this reel, it is very flexible and rotates accordingly.   This is very much required with a fishing rod. The rod used to fish musky is referred to as a musky rod. Since you are a beginner, try out fishing small and normal fish with less weight.  Experts should do fishing of large fishes.

You should learn the usage of equipment such as how to knot the hooks on the fishing line; how to attach the sinkers and what are the fishing lures which you should use to attract the fish. Even training regarding usage of fishing tackles is also necessary. Some of the other accessories you need to carry along with you are – snap swivels, weights, tools like long nose pliers, stringer or ice chest box to keep the fish you have caught, a net, and first aid kit as a precaution in case of an emergency. To hold all these items, you can purchase a suitable fishing tackle box which is designed in such a way that all your fishing equipment can be stored properly without getting it mixed with each other. To buy the required equipment you can approach any store selling the fishing equipment. But before proceedings, you can always browse various reviews published like the Best Musky Rod and Reel (Oct 2018) – Buyers Guide & Reviews. Of course, reviews are personal opinions about a product and its usage, but as you are a beginner, going through the experiences of others will help you to tackle the issues.

  • Precautions to be taken while fishing:
  • Fishing at night time is not recommended. This rule is applicable for both beginners as well as experienced ones. Moreover, since you as a beginner are doing it for fun, you can enjoy it best in the daytime.
  • Since you are a beginner, never go alone. A companion is always advisable because in case of an emergency he/she will be of help to you.
  • Tying of sharp hooks comes after thorough practicing. So be careful when you are supposed to handle hooks.
  • When you are casting, check thoroughly and ensure that there is no one nearby you because the hooks you are using may hurt others if it does not fall into the water properly.
  • Ensure that you are strong enough to hold the fishing line.
  • Take care of your clothing and footwear. Wear suitable and convenient outfit and footwear while fishing. Your clothing and footwear should not be a problem while fishing.
  • Since fishing is done in the daytime, ensure you apply required sunscreen lotions to avoid sunburns or tans or your skin.
  • Always wear appropriate sunglasses to keep your eyes protected from Ultra violet rays in the daytime.
  • Apart from fishing equipment, you should bring water, snacks to keep you energized when required.
  • Whenever you are not using any of the sharp equipment like fish knives etc., keep them covered especially the sharp side of the equipment.
  • Carry insect repellants along with you. It is very much required as you are fishing in water and you never know which insect will come and bite you.
  • Always check the weather conditions before going out fishing. In case you find a sign of a storm, keep yourself away from the fishing area.
  • If you are using a boat for fishing, wear a personal flotation device approved by the coast guard. In case of an emergency they will come to your rescue.

Above all points were for your safety, but even you should take an oath not to disturb nature by making it dirty or throwing the plastic bags you have carried along with you.

Lucy Jones

With extensive research and study, Lucy passionately creates blogs on divergent topics. Her writings are unique and utterly grasping owing.

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