Does Fountain of Youth Exist In Modern World? True and Myths about Aging

Aging can be a concern for both men and women. While there are many positive effects of aging, energy levels and overall appearance can change. Certain modern anti-aging approaches can have a dramatic impact on the mind and body, but others can be misleading.

Truth and Myths About Aging
1.) Expensive products are more effective. False. This is not always the case. Depending on the treatment, expensive products may or may not work at all regardless of the cost. Wrinkle creams that can be purchased at local drug stores can be extremely costly. Since many of these creams are not classified as drugs, scientific research is not actually required.

Anti-aging serums and wrinkle-reduction creams usually have a variety of ingredients. Some of these ingredients can include alcohol or certain fragrances that can have a positive psychological impact. Other ingredients, like retinol, may help smooth skin over time, but it is not necessarily effective for everyone who uses it.

2.) The more water you drink the better. True. As we age, the body needs to stay hydrated so that our temperature can be regulated. This can help fight off potentially hazardous health problems. Staying hydrated can also create a more youthful appearance, but it will not reverse time. The positive effects of water on appearance are shown to increase a healthy glow to the skin and improve energy levels.

3.) A nighttime routine is more important than a daytime routine. False. Both a nighttime routine and a daytime routine are important, but for slightly different reasons. A nighttime routine is essential because the skin can absorb and replenish during sleeping hours. If using anti-aging products, many creams and serums require both a daytime and nighttime dose. During the morning, moisturizer can be key before putting on foundation or cover up.

4.) Wrinkles are the first signs of aging. False. Wrinkles are one visible sign of aging, but it is not necessarily the first. Every person can age differently and while some people may notice wrinkles first, others find gray hairs or darker spots under the eyes. One of the first signs of aging takes place in the hands. As a result of hormonal changes, the skin may lose elasticity which can lead to the loss of volume on the back of our hands. Veins may become more noticeable around this time and can appear larger even when size has not changed.

5.) It’s all about the genes. False. Genes do have a large part to play when it comes to aging. Some signs of aging that are genetic can be caused by hormones. Excessive facial hair in women, for instance, can be tied to the endocrine system. Other genetic causes can include hair loss or certain diseases. While genetics may have a role in aging, environmental factors play an important part too. Smoking, excessive alcohol, time in the sun, and sleeping habits are all aging-related issues that can be controlled.

6.) Hormones do not affect aging. False. A hormone deficiency can cause problems with the body’s endocrine system. As we age, hormones will naturally decline. Human Growth Hormone is a way to restore proper hormone levels which can be done in both children and adults. For men, low levels of testosterone are common after a certain age. For women, estrogen levels are actually lower. When estrogen and prolactin levels decrease, this can impact the appearance of skin and hair.

There are different types of HGH therapy. HGH is effective as a prescription injection, but homeopathic HGH is not generally thought of as an effective hormone treatment. A trained medical professional will usually decide which dose of HGH will work best for the patient. For this reason, it is important to seek out a physician or qualified doctor.

Lifestyles That Make You Age Faster
Several reasons for premature aging include:
-sun exposure
-drinking excessive amounts of alcohol

Smoking cigarettes and excessive drinking will make you age faster. Both smoking and drinking can dehydrate the body as well as cause harm to the inner organs. To avoid sunspots and a rough skin texture, staying out of the sun or using sunblock is advised.

Stress is another factor that can cause premature aging. A high-stress job or personal life can lead to poor sleep quality and high levels of cortisol. Meditation and yoga is recommended to combat high stress levels.

Habits That Will Help You Avoid Early Aging
Exercise and diet play a big role in the aging process. Simply eating less calories is not the same as managing proper dietary needs. Having a “colorful plate” is one way to help ensure you’re receiving a mix of nutrients. Fish, veggies, and fruits can help increase hydration as well as the vitamins necessary to help protect skin and hair.

Regular exercise is also beneficial. A daily routine of walking or lifting weights can help more than spontaneous bursts of vigorous exercise. Keeping exercise a regular part of your routine can help your body stay strong and fit.

Sumeet Thakur

Sam T. is a digital marketer and freelancer on Up work where he talks about digital marketing case studies, tips, techniques, and more.

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