Don’t Hold Back: 4 Tips for Living Fearlessly

Are you looking to live fearlessly? If yes, then this is a great start towards being free from fear and anxiety. While you can skydive and bungee-jump to help you meet this goal, you can also do other intrinsic things that will assist you in the long-term. Here is how.


Claim Your Anger and Fear


By claiming your anger and fear, you have the power to change them. In most cases, anger is used as a defense system against the feeling of fear. Denying them does not make them go away. Other individuals normally sense them, and there is a high likelihood that you will project your anger and fears onto situations and people. Identify, claim, and safely release these negative feelings. Just conversing with your close friend safely can make a significant difference.


Look for the Good in People


Fear forms the need to isolate and cut yourself off from those who are different from you. When you feel threatened, there is a high likelihood that you will end up dehumanizing people who are different from you. This creates more fear in everyone. If you know a group that has been targeted in a threatening way, be sure to reflect goodness and humanity onto them. Seeing the good in others will also allow you to trust them more. You can’t live a fearless life without being able to put your trust in the people around you.


Avoid Imagining the Worst-Case Scenario


Individuals normally imagine the worst-case scenario since they assume that getting ready for the worst will make them feel better. However, research indicates that doing this leads to more anxiety. This is because your thoughts about the situation form your fear as opposed to the situation itself. By thinking of the worst-case scenario, you imagine the experience in your mind as if it was really happening. You will then begin responding as if the event has taken place, which results in unnecessary anxiety. Instead of dwelling on the negative, take leaps and go for things you want. Usually, the worst thing that can happen isn’t worth getting worked up about.


Stay Connected and Be Proactive


Make sure you don’t think that you are the only one who feels fear or isolate yourself. Create a plan that will help you whenever you begin feeling afraid. Determine what you will avoid and what you will do. Form a feel safe message thread of a few friends who you share your intent with to stay relaxed and calm throughout your day. Whenever something that makes you anxious happens, be sure to talk to them about it. Surrounding yourself with people who make you feel your best will encourage you to take some risks in life. Being around positive people will boost your confidence and help you chase what you want.

In most of the cases, fear comes from within yourself. Hence, getting rid of it requires you to carry out a set of actions that will ensure you are free from it. Living a fearless life is possible if you do some inner work.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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