Early Signs and Symptoms of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is a disease that is characterized by the abnormal growth of skin cells. Skin cancer signs and symptoms first manifest on parts of the skin that have direct exposure to sunlight. In case you observe any patches and discoloration on your skin, visit your best Chevy Chase MD skin cancer specialist for a body scan and get to know the root cause of the problem.

There are three types of skin cancer:

  • Melanoma
  • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Basal cell carcinoma

One of the best ways to reduce skin cancer risk is by avoiding direct exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays.


Which parts of the skin can be used to identify symptoms of skin cancer?

Skin cancer is mostly visible on body parts exposed to the sun; these include the eyes, arms, hands, face, ears, chest, arms, scalp, and neck. However, it can also form in areas that rarely have access to sunlight. These include around the genitalia area, fingernails, toenails, and around the palm.

The disease affects people of all skin tones and races; therefore, it is crucial always to stay alert for these symptoms. Melanoma is prevalent with dark skin tones and can be observed on the skin parts that have direct exposure to sunlight.

Some of the common signs and symptoms of skin cancer are discussed below.

Solar Keratosis

These are small, scaly patches on the skin brought about by too much exposure to UV light from the sun. The patches are observed on the head, neck, hands, and bottom parts of the feet. However, it is hard to tell whether the patch will disappear or will develop into cancer cells.

The best action to take when observing strange patches on your skin is to visit your oncologist for screening. Early treatment is the best way to prevent patches from developing into cancer cells.

Development of Cutaneous Horns on the Skin

The cutaneous horn has a funnel shape and exhibits a red color on its base. It is made up of keratin – the protein found in nails. The cutaneous horn’s size and shape can be used to tell the stage in which cancer has advanced.

Presence of Moles on the Skin

A mole, also known as nevus, is the growth of the melanocyte cells responsible for giving your skin its color. Very few moles develop into cancer, but it is good to keep tabs on any new formation of a mole on your skin. It is good to take the necessary precautions when you spot any changes.

Regular examination of your skin for any unusual growths or a change in the size and shape of a particular spot will eliminate any fear of skin cancer. Skin cancer is not only common in areas with high temperatures but is also common in areas where there is less sunlight.

Schedule a consultation with your doctor to learn more about skin cancer.

Ideally, the team at the office of Ali Hendi, MD, encourages regular checks of your skin if you’re at risk for skin cancer to catch it early when it’s most treatable. Your treatment depends on the form of skin cancer, its stage, location, and other factors.

For example, with basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas, your provider may recommend Mohs surgery, which offers a cure rate of 99%. They often recommend this procedure when there’s a high risk that cancer will return after treatment or when the goal is saving as much healthy skin as possible.

Sahil Arora

I am an experienced blogger, and writer. I am involved in various online activities through which imparts various lessons and the latest trends to people with diverse needs.

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