Easy To Execute New Year Resolutions – Time To Follow

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Have you ever made a New Year resolution? Could you actually keep it? Resolutions for the New Year 2018 are deceptively simple to make like losing weight, keep the house clean, make use of stairs instead of lift, cut back Facebook, paying more attention on making the credit card payment on time etc.

Come mid of the year, do you find that you’ve kept the New Year resolutions that you’ve kept the New Year resolution that you have made in early January? Or you:

  1. Feeling really guilty?
  2. Feeling half-earthed?
  3. Gone back to the old habits?

Always remember one thing that you deserve better than to feel stuck, guilty, and like you can’t accomplish your goals. You were just born to be victorious and it’s a just straightforward matter of shifting your focus. There’s no point of keeping a resolution that you can’t keep. Instead, this New Year, try one of these New Year special resolution ideas for having a meaningful life.

First, you should know what your passion is

Most of the people still don’t know how to discover the personal mission in their life. Now, this article has come up with a very smart formula to help you through the process of discovery. It’s called POPP: Personality, Opportunity, People, and Places.

Be A Kind One Your Family

It’s a very important New Year resolution to take. A New Year resolution of making a meaningful life is developing a trustful, meaningful and soulful relationship with our family members.

Focus More In One Relationship Instead Multiple 

There’s no denying of the fact the friendship is an integral component of human happiness, it’s an antidote to loneliness. Due to the various demands of modern life, the friendships often take the back seat to responsibilities. This year, in the spirit of living a happier and meaningful life, start investing more time in one friendship and make it a solid one.

Be Committed To Something

Do you seriously want to prove yourself that you can actually keep your New Year resolution ideas? You must commit to something. Make sure you are committing yourself on one thing instead of sharing different commitments. It’s a great liberating and self-improvement project that anyone can do if he’s willing, to be honest with himself.

Start Saving Money

You’ve never taken the importance of saving money in a serious manner in your life. You just can’t go like this. Having satisfactory savings is one of the most important things in your life because you can’t predict tomorrow. Build a habit of saving money and one day you will realize that it’s worth saving the money.

Find All The Opportunities To Laugh and Enjoy The Wholesome Humor

Learning how to smile from the core of the heart is the best medicine to spend a stress-free life. Practice humor to diffuse things and lighten things up. Always remember one thing that healthy humor always lifts up the spirit of the people.

Now, it’s time to start following these easy to execute and maintain New Year Resolution in your regular life but before everything, don’t forget to make this New Year bash ever-memorable and order one of the best New Year special cakes to mark the welcome of a brand new year.



Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of KlmnWeb.