Efficiency of Stem Cell Therapy on Hip Pain

Hip joint is one of the largest joints present in the human body. After the shoulder, it is the joint that offers a wide range of motion to our body. Hip is the reason why people can stand upright. It is known for withstanding the entire body weight and supporting the body throughout. The hip is quite durable and is rugged too, but that doesn’t spare it from injuries. Ranging from physical injuries like a sprain to osteoarthritis (caused by wear and tear) or any physical health issue like cancer- the hip is quite susceptible to health issues. As it is one of the major joints that control the movement of the body, a hip injury can have drastic effects on the day to day life. Injury in the hip can limit movement in the body, causing physical deformity, affecting the sleep cycle, etc. 

The conventional treatment for hip injuries can be hip replacement surgery, arthroscopic hip surgery, medication, bed rest, physical therapy. Lately, the number of hip replacement cases are on the rise, which is an alarming situation. However, now with the advanced and even more effective treatments in place, it is time to bid adieu to the traditional treatments.

Stem cell procedures for hip pain is one such option that will help in regenerating the hip tissue rather than just treating the injury. When hip tissue is regenerated, the hip joints will start working as usual without the need for surgery.  

Minimally invasive treatment addressing hip issues

Stem cell therapy is one such treatment where there is no need to perform an incision on your body like they do in surgeries. It is a minimally invasive treatment, and there won’t be any side effects like bleeding, infections, nerve injuries, or blood clots. The best thing about regenerative therapy is that it won’t take up a lot of recovery time too. The patient will be recovered in very little time comparatively and can get back to his/her normal life soon. 

The tissue present in the hip heals itself naturally and is regenerated, which can’t be seen in conventional procedures. The conventional treatments address only the injuries and their symptoms; they have very little to do with repairing the tissue. 

Understand Stem Cells

Stem cells may seem like a foreign word for so many people out there. Firstly know what these are. The stem cells are formed during the embryo stage. It later develops into specialized cells; however, these are present in an adult body (bone marrow and adipose tissue), and they do have the capacity to regenerate. But the catch here is that body parts like the hip don’t have enough of these stem cells to regenerate. So, they need the tissues that are present in the other parts of the body. The stem cells have the capability to regenerate & repair and also reduce inflammation without any surgeries. The process revolves around injection only, thus avoiding any side effects too. 

Harvesting the Stem Cells

Now, the most important part is how these stem cells are processed? Adipose tissue (fat tissue) and bone marrow are two of those body parts that have an abundance of stem cells. So, the stem cell will be extracted from any of these body parts and is combined with platelet injection. This solution is high in cytokines and growth factors, thus ensuring that the part is treated and the tissues of that part are regenerated. 

How can Stem Cells heal hip pain?

So, this starts with the ability of stem cells. These cells can stimulate cellular growth in the damaged tissue. Stem cells release paracrine signals, which help in reducing inflammation and the death of cells. These signals also help in the quick regeneration of the tissues. The cytokines present in platelets will accelerate the healing of wounds by providing sufficient blood supply. This results in the regeneration of cartilage in the hip joint and lessens the hip pain. 

The recovery period for stem cell therapy is less compared to normal procedures, and this will save you a lot of time too. You can be up and walking quickly. 

Many people who are suffering from hip pain can always opt for a non-surgical treatment like stem cells rather than going for hip replacement or any other surgery for that matter. Preferring non-surgical treatment for orthopedic injuries in Dallas over conventional methods will help you in avoiding a lot of bed rest along with so many side effects. Healing your body with the help of stem cells is always a better option than going for invasive procedures. The only thing that you have to remember is to go with a trusted and expert orthopedic with years of experience in hip pain treatment without surgery in Dallas. With the benefits that these non-surgical procedures offer, most people are inclined towards getting them only. They seem like a better option without any invasion and ensures that the tissue in the hip regenerates itself without any hassle. 

Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta is an SEO expert and blogger with a strong passion for writing. He shares views and opinions on a range of topics such as Business, Health, Lifestyle and lot more.

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