Enjoy Your Me-Time: How to Upgrade Your Bathroom for Maximum Relaxation

There is no place in the world that can afford you quite the same amount of privacy as your own bathroom. It’s a sanctuary from your busy life to be sure, but it’s still one that could stand to be upgraded. If you’re looking to really maximize your me-time, you’ll want to take a look at the four upgrades below.

Use Purple Curtain and Rugs

The first place to start is with the color of your bathroom. While you probably shouldn’t use a color as bold as purple for the walls of your bathroom, you can definitely use it as an accent. Purple rugs and shower curtains bring a feeling of luxury and creative thinking. Adding a few splashes of relaxing color can really make your bathroom into a much more calming space to forget the outside world and focus on your own thoughts.

Add Scented Candles

The next sense to engage is your sense of smell. Completely leaving aside all of the smell-related issues that come with bathrooms, it can really help you to relax to have the right scents in your sanctuary. Good scented candles that make use of relaxing, mellow odors can help you to find inner peace when you have yourself sealed away from the rest of the world. Make sure to avoid the cheap ones found in dollar stores that often use toxic chemicals, and instead opt for vegetable oil wax candles that burn more cleanly. You can also use essential oil diffusers to add lavender and chamomile scents for optimum relaxation effects.

Use Quartz Sink Countertops

A bathroom that is difficult to clean is by no means relaxing to be in. If you’re willing to undertake a bathroom remodel, adding quartz countertops are much easier to keep clean than linoleum or similar cheap materials. Natural stone or porcelain tiles are also extremely water resistant and harder to stain than hardwood or other materials. Ensure that your tiles and materials have proper layers of sealants to keep from seeping water separating the tile from the caulk, which could cause corrosion and damage with time. Avoid cutting corners in terms of materials where your bathroom is concerned, or you’ll be spending more time cleaning than relaxing in your bathroom.

Get a Larger Tub for Warm Soaks

Your final addition should be a larger tub. Simply put, most tubs really aren’t big enough for relaxation. Take some time to think about your body type, and then invest in a tub that will work for you. Whether you need something that’s wider, longer, or deeper, the right tub will give you a better place in which to relax and a unique opportunity to shut out everything else that is going on in your home.

Each of these upgrades will make your bathroom into a more relaxing and more useful space. Sure, you can’t live there – but these upgrades will make you wish that you could. With the right touches, you can get yourself centered in your bathroom and get ready to go out and meet the hectic world head-on.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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