Essential Things You Need to Know About Commercial Rendering

The process of cement rendering is a premixed layer of cement to brick, sand, stone, mud brick, or cement. This layer is usually textured, uniquely coloured, and painted. It is typically used on walls in exterior locations like a patio or gardens. Sometimes it is used in interior walls as well. Depending on the desired look, commercial rendering can be natural, coloured, pigmented, or painted.

The entire process has been used for many years to improve the overall appearance of old buildings. Different countries have different styles when it comes to commercial rendering. Now you can do some cement rendering work on your old building, and you can also apply some acrylic paint on these rendered walls. It is a cost-effective method, and you can easily design your home with some stylish textures and colours with this cement rendering process.

How to Select the Best Commercial Rendering Mix?

commercial rendering

Various factors influence the options when it comes to choosing the quality of the exterior finish. You can find different types of cement rendering available in the market, and you can choose the best one according to your needs and budget.

Existing Substrate

This is the material that is placed right under the finish of choice. This is very important when it comes to using the render and will have to stick to the surface and move along with the substrate.

Binding Agent

This is the cement compound that acts as an adhesive and holds the cement rendering mix together and provides additional permeability, moisture resistance, and strength to the cement rendering mix. The most common binding agents used are gypsum, clay, lime, and cement.


These are additional chemicals that are added to the existing commercial rendering mix to alter the overall characteristics of the mix. The most common additives used are acrylic, polymers, and silicon. These additives are usually added to the mix to modify the properties of the render, like the colour, durability, elasticity, and workability of the cement render.

Structural Filler

This is the portion of the commercial rendering mix that is the majority. Sand is the most common type of aggregates that are used. Also, water is used to work on the render and typically used to activate the binding agent.


These components are usually added to the render to increase the strength, elasticity, improved tensile strength, and many more additional properties to the commercial rendering mix. The most traditional fibres used are red fibres, hemp, straw, horsehair. Right now, the advanced fibres used are plastic, nylon mesh and even steel fibres are used extensively.

Different Types of Commercial Rendering Finishes:

Due to the evolution of the market, commercial rendering has gone beyond the usual traditional finishes in the market.

Some of the new types of finishes available in the market are-

Polymer Render

Polymer render is a cement system that contains special polymers that are added to the mix. These polymers add a flexible and robust property to the entire cement rendering mix.

Acrylic Render

This is a finishing coat that is provided for an attractive finish. It is usually applied to an existing or new render to seal the substrate layer and make the appearance look bright.

Scratch Render

This type of render looks very much like a weathered stone finish. It elevates the property and looks plaster flat. After the application of the render, the surface is scratched with the help of a nail float.

These types of renders add to the overall look of a property. In addition to this, commercial rendering provides the total resale value of the property.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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