Establishing Your Business From the “Ground Up”-Essential Databases for Business

Your business essentially runs through the databases you set up. Traditionally businesses have set up central processing unit based databases. These CPU databases are known as the brains of the PC. CPUs handle the basic functions that are programmed into the computer such as calculations. Their functionality differs depending on system performance and speed. Software is also an important consideration. Newer processors can handle the use of specialized software. The stability and reliability of a CPU based database is well known whereas Graphic processing unit databases have yet to be proven reliable.


Choosing the Right Core Database

CPU databases do have an established track record for reliability. Computers have used CPU to run core tasks since the personal computer was introduced in the early 1980’s. Unfortunately CPUs don’t have the capability of processing graphic based data as effectively as the newer GPU.


CPU databases are also quite limited how many core processes can be added. GPU based databases can have unlimited core processes. Many organizations are moving toward more graphically enhanced databases. GPU based databases provide organizations with the ability to see data in real time. This can be an issue with CPU based databases.


A GPU database takes up less space than a CPU database while providing the same power and support. The most common use for a GPU based database is analytics. Analytics are driven by graphics.

Choosing the Right Operational Databases/Systems

Once you established your core database, you can then start to think about operational databases. It is good to remember at this phase that if you use a lot of graphics to select a GPU based database. Operational databases are your “bread and butter.” They provide the information you need on a daily basis.


Customer relationship management software, also known as contact relationship management software provides your business with the means to gather information about your customers. You can customize your CRM database to collect information from your clients and customers. Many tasks are possible with these databases.


Inventory tracking software is important for retail businesses to keep track of their merchandise. If your business provides “just in time” inventory or has limited warehouse space, it becomes essential to have an accurate count.


Personnel software offers your business peace of mind by helping you track employees with payroll and other benefits. These type of databases provide information to make informed decisions on hiring and promotion.


Putting it All Together: Database Management

The key ingredient in the successful running of a business is database management. Your business could possibly have up to a dozen different databases running at the same time. This requires some expertise in server maintenance and database growth.


An important first step in the process is database deployment. This process provides the nuts and bolts of how the database will be deployed with the system and within the network. It is recommended that planning for deployment start before the database is implemented with the system and network. This allows programmers opportunities to test the database for errors.


The successful operation of your databases does require routine maintenance of applications and programs. Good maintenance includes:

  • Routinely cleaning out old and redundant data
  • Rebuilding indexes regularly
  • Backing up important data regularly
  • Keeping a close eye on corrupted data and hardware issues
  • Restoring activities that increase productivity


Database lifecycle management combines both the business and technical aspects of the business to ensure development and delivery of critical information isn’t disrupted.


Getting Your Data Out-Language

We can’t forget the importance of having a language database. Structured Query Language (SQL) databases provide essential components to any online business. These components are the ability to “speak” with other networks and other systems. The main purpose of an SQL database is to quickly execute remote commands with a single click.


SQL databases provide the ability for data to be processed through data streams.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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