Everything you need to know about Bonsai Plants

The literal meaning of the Japanese term ‘Bonsai’ is ‘planted in a container’. This is a form of cultivation which is considered to be an art form because of its unique features and trails. It impersonates a bigger size of a tree in a caricature form which is relatively so small and you can easily decorate your house with some bonsai plants. This form of planting has been derived from Chinese Horticulture practice.

One should not mistake Bonsai plants as genetically dwarfed because it is just a replica of a tree or a form of nature. Bonsai plants are generally around four meters in height and trees or plants with comparatively smaller leaves can transform into the bonsai plants. There are several classifications of Bonsai plants and here you can find some classification of the bonsai plants:

Classification of Bonsai Plants –

  • Imperial
  • Hachi-Uye
  • Omono
  • Chumono
  • Katade-Mochi
  • Komono
  • Shohin
  • Mame
  • Shito
  • Keshitsubo

How would you maintain Bonsai Plants?

Bonsai trees are generally planted in a shallow container like a pot, dish or a vessel. Decorated earthenware in Chinese shapes having Japanese impressions can be very worthy. But to maintain the bonsai plants, you need to choose perfect sized pots and you can take the suggestions from experts in this regard. One more point to keep in mind while planting a Cascading style bonsai is that they only get an affluent growth in narrow containers.

It is suggested to plant a bonsai during the favorable and dormant season. The best time to grow a bonsai is autumn and you can also buy some readymade bonsai plans from online. Bonsai seeds can be collected from anywhere nearby, and you can also buy them from online plant shops. Once the seeds are clustered for planting, this should be placed in a relatively warmer place. Selecting a container according to the needs of the plant is also a subject to be taken care of.

Bonsai Plant Styles –  

  • Bunjingi Bonsai
  • Cascade and Semi- Cascade Bonsai
  • Formal and Informal Bonsai
  • Broom-shaped bonsai
  • Multi trunk Bonsai
  • Fukinagashi Bonsai
  • Shari Bonsai
  • Rock Bonsai
  • Forest Bonsai
  • Raft Bonsai

Bonsai plants can be both indoors and outdoors, keeping in mind indoor bonsai plants grows in a normal warm human living environment. Few examples of indoor bonsai plants are Desert Rose, Impala Lily, Jade Tree, Money Tree, Pea tree, Bonsai Crassula, Carmona, Chinese Elm, and Banyan Fig. Bonsai plants like Juniper Tree. Pine Tree, Maple Tree, Chinese Elm, Ligustrum is advised to be grown outdoors.

Bonsai Trees are very unique in shape and indoor bonsais can be used in decorating. Hence, it is recommended for beginners to choose such plants that do not demand extreme care or attention. There are bonsai planting courses that teach how to take care of bonsai plants. There are online courses as well that can be attended sitting at home. Bonsai courses teach obligatory steps for planting a bonsai-like pruning, wiring, re-potting, and daily care. Even you can also search for some tutorials online and learn about the bonsai plantation process online.

Bonsai Plant

The usefulness of a Bonsai Plant

Bonsai plants are a treat to the vision and they do demand high care and vigilance. They are not only planted just for decorating one’s home or office but it has several health benefits and they can also keep your rooms dust free.  Bonsai plants are a great stress reliever and they make us physically active, calm n patient. They also purify the air of indoors and bonsai plants can help in curing cough and fatigue.

Amelie Lawrence

I am Amelie Lawrence, an experienced professional and informative Guest blogger. I love to write blog on various topics, like: automotive,home improvement, business, health etc.

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