Evolving Job Markets: How Parents Can Help Their Kids be Ready for the Workforce

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Your child is old enough to enter the workforce, and you want him to be well prepared for the working world. There are many steps you can take to ensure that your youngster is successful in his job endeavor, whether it be part-time, full-time, or seasonal work. These include the following.


Set an Example

As parents, we sometimes forget that young, impressionable eyes are always upon us. When we gripe about our chosen careers, miss work often, and call in sick for no particular reason, we are setting the stage for our children’s future actions.


Treat your career with the respect it deserves. Be on time, dress properly, and always be positive about what you do for a living when in front of your children. Even if you are a dishwasher or line cook, there are always upbeat stories and anecdotes about your workday to share. Be proud of what you do for a living and be sure that this attitude is visible to your entire family.


Teach Them Job Skills

Give your children chores to do around the home as soon as they are able. By the time they are two or three years old, they should be able to do simple tasks around the home such as pick up their toys and put away their clothing. Always give them regular tasks to perform as part of their day-to-day routine. The children who are taught how to pitch in at a young age will have a much easier time working in the real world when they are old enough. A strong work ethic will serve them in any job or career that they are involved in.


There are many basic job skills a parent can demonstrate or teach to offspring. Answering phone correctly, being prompt, working as a team, and giving 100 percent to a task at hand are just a few skills that your teen can be trained to perform with ease if his attitude is in the right place.

Volunteer work for your teen is also a great way to cultivate job skills. Your child will learn how to provide services, work with people, and communicate with superiors. This is also a good way for young people to build stamina—many times young employees are just not used to the long hours of work situations.


Assist with Job Searches

Most teenagers do not know how to look for jobs. It may take some assistance from parents to get them started. Even if they do know the basics, they are probably intimidated by the tasks of picking up applications, applying online, and getting ready for interviews. Point them in the right direction or physically take them out to various venues to help them search for meaningful employment.

Practice Interview Skills

Take the time and make the effort to teach your teens how to interview properly. Guide them through the steps and then teach them how to dress, carry themselves, and answer the questions that will be asked of them. There are many great training videos on the internet also.


Provide Encouragement and Support

Your child may have to apply for several jobs before finally getting hired. Be his best cheerleader by constantly encouraging and supporting his ongoing efforts. Celebrate when he finally gets hired for his very first job. Show him how he can go to college and work at the same time, especially if attending a school such as College of America. This college works with a student’s schedule and offers many online courses.


Getting your child ready for the workforce can be a real challenge, but the rewards are huge. Once your youngster develops a strong work ethic and begins to find his way in the world, he will be able to take on just about anything by himself.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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