Fashion Career Tips for Newbies Trying to Break In

From magazines to catwalks, the impeccably designed clothing that gets released each season provides aspiring designers with much inspiration. Behind all of the fashion industry’s glamour and glitz, there is a facade hiding all of the sweat and work that goes into it.  However, that’s the best part of all.  The more hard work that you put into producing your designs the more rewarding the experience is.

So if you aspire to be a fashion designer and you are willing to put in all of the yard work that it takes to achieve your dream, the following are some useful tips to get you started.


Be prepared to work hard

Whenever you are just getting started, you are going to be on the bottom rung of the ladder and nobody will pay much attention to you no matter how much talent you have.  The way to get noticed is to simply work hard.

It is very important at this stage to have a positive attitude when facing your tasks and to not take things personally.  You may not be able to get started on what you would like to do just yet, however, you need to understand that your experience will be extremely valuable in giving you the chance to see the fashion business from all aspects and angles. People will be asking you to do tasks that might seem menial, but keep in mind that your role exists for a reason.  The reason you are there is to allow things to operate smoothly. So whether you are required to buy coffee or deliver papers, your contributions are making a difference.

Like with any other job, you need to be organized.  Make sure you are prepared for whatever tasks you will be undertaking and be early for all of your appointments.  Build relationships and connect with the right people.  Remember you are fortunate to have obtained a position at your company, so don’t complain and be grateful. Take full advantage of your opportunity and ignore negative feelings.  Eventually, people will start to notice all of your hard work.


Understand technique and study the industry

Your passion and interest in fashion need to have a foundation.  Although you can learn a lot on the job, it is also important to understand the basic processes that are part of the fashion industry. That includes everything from understanding business structures to learning the basics of things like sewing and sketching.

The most important thing is to take an interest in the overall fashion industry, both present and past.  Learn about all of the concepts of specific pieces as well as the driving forces that are behind various trends. Note different colors and ranges.  Reading blogs and magazines can help you stay current with the latest movements.  Improving your fashion sense can help you develop a sharp eye for the designs that you create.

Having the ability to design heavily relies on your sewing and drawing skills.  That requires you to be able to sketch, and them moves into having a thorough understanding of all of the aspects that go into dressmaking.  Between understanding all of the advantages and disadvantages to different kinds of fabrics, to being able to use a sewing machine and reading patterns, all of these kinds of skills are very necessary to have.

It is also quite useful to have a good sense of business while working in the fashion industry.  That will allow you to get business operations set up properly, and to keep the company headed in the right direction.  It will also help you determine the kind of market you are wanting to design clothes for.


Make a plan

Figure out what you would like your fashion career to look like, and then make a plan for getting there.  Whether your dreams involved having your designs showcased on a catwalk or opening a boutique, you are going to need to have a game plan.  Most important of all, you need to build a foundation for yourself.  The first thing to do is to gain as much experience as you can.  That will help you make contacts, as well as gain more knowledge on all of the various fundamentals that the company runs on.

Before you even consider getting a job, you need to first make sure that you actually know what you are doing.  It doesn’t matter if you have been in love with fashion since the age of 5 or have a natural talent for design, it is definitely worth the time to get qualified.  That will help to ensure that you have learned all of the necessary basic skills and will demonstrate to prospective employers that you have capabilities that adhere to a high standard.

To get your very first fashion industry job, you need to have the ability to prove your worth.  It isn’t the type of job you can get on just charm alone.  Taking a fashion design course will provide you with the opportunity to build up a design portfolio.  That is very important since your portfolio will enable prospective employers the ability to see directly the kind of designer you are and everything you are capable of creating.

Here is a good guide from Four Seasons to get an idea of the area of fashion you need to get into.


Stay passionate and be driven

At each stage along the way, you will encounter obstacles.  You might struggle to meet deadlines or your work may be criticized. Remaining resilient is the most important thing.  The fashion industry is incredibly competitive.  That is why you have to be willing to keep trying and put in very long hours.  You need to prove that you are capable of handling the workload before anyone will take you seriously.

The trick is keeping your passion for all aspects of your work.  Don’t ever let everything you love about fashion stop inspiring you.

You need to be proactive in order to make it in the fashion industry.  Learn how to do everything that it takes.  There are many ways of expanding your capabilities and increasing your knowledge.  The only catch to all of this is that you must be hardworking and driven. From that point, you will have the ability to accomplish your fashion dreams.


Alexander Dance

Alexander Dance is a full-time freelance writer. He is passionate about the effective habits that make up a happy and healthy lifestyle.

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