Female Infertility- Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment Procedures

As per the recent study, at least 1 out of every 7 couples is facing infertility. With this statistic, it becomes pretty clear how common this problem is. It is a dream of many of the couples to have a baby.  The kid can make the bonding between the couples strong. But there is a large share of people who are deprived of having a baby. They are not lucky enough to have the bliss of having children in life.

Female infertility is more common than male infertility. Now there are several of reasons why women cannot become pregnant. Are you the one who is facing the same problem? If yes, then you may go through the below section where I have discussed this topic in minute details. Have a look at this.

Possible Causes of Female Infertility

The problems with ovulation can be considered as the major cause that prevents women from getting pregnant. Apart from this, there are few other reasons, like, damage to the fallopian tubes or womb and issues with the cervix that cause the same issue. Age may also contribute in the issue greatly. Actually, with the progression of age, the fertility of women naturally decreases.

Why Women Have Ovulation Problems

Some of the reasons are following. Have a look at this.

  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Fibroids or non-cancerous tumors
  • Alcohol or drug consumption
  • Issues with the Thyroid gland
  • Stress and weight gain
  • Problematic menstrual period and more

Among them, uterine fibroids are quite common in these days. Studies reveal that about 20 to 40 percent of women who are at their reproductive age   face this problem. As a patient, you do not need to worry about this as fibroids and fertility treatment is available in these days. With the advancement of the medical science, several treatment procedures have been introduced. Uterine fibroid embolisation is one of the most effective treatments that can provide you with a fibroid free and painless life.

The Causes for the Damage to the Uterus or Fallopian Tubes

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Polyps in the womb
  • A pelvic infection
  • Chronic medical illness
  • A birth defect and more


To diagnose this problem, the gynecologist will conduct a thorough physical exam of the patients, like you. You may go through the following tests or exams for evaluating fertility.

  1. A urine and blood check up to detect the hormone problems
  2. Breast exam and pelvic exam
  3. Laparoscope will be inserted into abdomen for viewing the condition of the organs
  4. Ultrasound for examining the ovaries and uterus

Apart from the mentioned, there are few other tests that the doctor may suggest you.


There is a wide range of infertility treatment procedures. Some of them are given below.

  1. If the patient has hormonal imbalance, the women may have to take hormones
  2. For uterine fibroids, the physician may suggest, myomectomy, the surgical process to remove the cysts. In addition to this, UFE, hysterectomy is the other option left for the patients.
  3. Women may have to take medications for stimulating the ovulation
  4. Antibiotic can be used to remove the infection
  5. Supplements can also be used for enhancing fertility

Hope all the given information is useful for you. To know more, consult with a reputed gynecologist now.

Tom Clark

I have substantial digital marketing experience & my primary focus is content writing. I have handled several design and development projects and helped businesses enjoy high ranks

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