Finding A Balance Between Technology and Life

Technology is a must-have in our world. There’s no way around it. We use computers to process and analyze data, and the internet is that the that basically hold society together. Schools are going paperless and are having their students use laptops for note-taking and homework instead of a traditional paper notebook. That, in turn, has parents learning the technology that their kids have so that they can still lend their kids help with assignments and explain to them how to navigate what’s good and what’s bad on the internet. You have to know your way around the technology that is popular today. Lending Hands Through Technology plays a huge part in helping individuals to understand the how-tos of the new tech which is a huge help in today’s world. Something that you also need to know is that occasionally, you need to step away from technology. With everything becoming digitalized, you might wonder how that is possible without becoming completely separated from the rest of the world. The answer comes in several simple answers.

  1. Go for a Walk With Your Phone of Silent

Walking is a proven way to reduce stress and balance your hormones. It also encourages you to get outside and appreciate the world around you. You might see pictures of forests on your computer, but when was the last time that you walk through one? Get outside and put your phone on silent. Resist the temptation to look at it every few moments and just be in the moment. Your walk doesn’t have to take hours, but make sure that you at  least get outside for 30 minutes a day. It’s tempting to surf the web all day inside, but it’s more important to make sure you’re getting out at least for a short time each day.

  1. Take a Break From Social Media

Social Media is everything right now. It’s how we connect with each other. But, nothing is going to drastically change within five days. If you’re a person who finds themselves on Instagram and Facebook during family dinners or even dates, then it’s time to take a break. You don’t have to delete your profile, just delete the apps from your phone for 5-7 days and get back on after that, It’s called a social media cleanse and it will help you to reconnect with meaningful activities in your life.

  1. Make a Plan of What You Need to Do First

If you’re a gamer, then you know the temptation of playing before you finish the things that you really need to do. To fix that, write up a list of the things you need to do first before you can let yourself sit down with the game consul. Have someone hold you accountable to this as well. Tell your parents, your spouse, or a friend you can trust about your plan. If they live with you, then the accountability will be easier because they can just ask you if you’ve finished everything else if they see you playing. With someone who doesn’t live with you, you’ll have to take the initiative. Text them when you’ve finished everything and have them confirm before you’re allowed to sit down.

  1. Exercise Every Morning

Make sure that you and your family are getting outside and exercising every day. The world is becoming more and more sedentary, and it’s becoming easier and easier to never set foot in a gym or in a pool. To get your kids more interested in being outside, start with something like a garden or an outdoor pool. To figure out what’s within your budget, find what inground swimming pool costs fits with what you’re comfortable with. The important thing is that you make sure you and your kids are getting outside often enough.

Once you step away from technology, make sure that you continue to use too liberally. You don’t want to grow to depend on it that you forget how to have face-to-face interactions. Find a happy balance in your life.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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