Five Things That You Should Be Telling Your Dermatologist But You Aren’t

Most of us are reluctant to an open and honest conversation with our famous dermatologist in india. However, the truth is that if you want your treatment to go successful under the hands of a mumbai dermatologist you must tell your dermatologist about your lifestyle choice and many other things. Your lifestyle may be one of the reason that is causing you the skin, hair or nail condition. So do not shy away from letting your dermatologist know just about everything that can be a reason for your skin condition. There are many things that can affect the skin. It can either be your diet, sleep patterns, lifestyle changes, and hobbies. We list below five things that you must be telling your dermatologist for an effective and faster treatment procedure.

  1. How often you are exposed to the sun- let your dermatologist know how often you spend time in the sun. If your work involves constant moving around from one place to under in daytime when it is hot, it can affect your skin in a great way. In addition, the harmful UV rays of the sun can affect the result of certain medications. Your level of sun exposure can affect your medication or treatment procedures that your dermatologist recommends you in a big way.
  2. If You Smoke- smoking can cause under eye bags, dark circles, premature ageing, wrinkles, and a loss of radiance from the skin and your skin is more prone to psoriasis. Therefore, if you are a smoker, you must let your dermatologist know about it. You must also tell him/her about your smoking frequency in a day. Keeping this in mind your dermatologist will formulate a treatment plan that will work best for you under such conditions.
  3. What skin care products you use daily- tell your dermatologist about the cosmetic products that you use. Even if the cleanser that you use is not gentle on your skin, or the everyday make up is not paraben free- do not shy from telling the truth. Your dermatologist will study the ingredients of these beauty products to rule out possible irritations, allergies or skin disorder that may be a result of using these cosmetic products.
  4. If you use a sunscreen regularly—we all know that a sunscreen s essential when you move out in the sun. However, not all of us are regular in using a sunscreen. If you are not a true sunscreen user, tell your dermatologist the truth. Not using a quality sunscreen can be a factor for your skin related issues. So tell your doctor about your usage of sunscreen.
  5. If any family member has had skin cancer- if you have a family history of skin cancer, do let your dermatologist know about it. When the doctor is aware that skin cancer runs in your family, he will formulate a treatment course for you for a daily skin care routine and prevention of skin cancer.

 If you are honest and frank in your communication with your dermatologist, you are assured of an effective and faster treatment result.

Sahil Arora

I am an experienced blogger, and writer. I am involved in various online activities through which imparts various lessons and the latest trends to people with diverse needs.

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