Fortify Your HR Career with HR and Talent Management Certifications

Earning a human resource (HR) certification fortifiesthe HR professional’s career. The advantages are quantifiable and loud as it empowers the professionals to make a smart move in the industry at the global level. Though the impact of pay and career progression varies according to geographical boundaries, industries, and levels of job positions, HR certification is a much-needed qualification to get through the competitive recruitment process. It enables you to stay updated with the latest trends and technology.

It is easy to get into the industry when the professionals are in their earliest phase of HR career and get promoted to management positions when they are experienced in the profession. It is beneficial for both. Most of the HR professionals holding higher positions possess one or more HR certifications. It translates business thoughts into reality by bringing out the most from the workforce talent.

The business leaders have comprehended the HR role as strategists and partners while aligning talent. As a result, they look for talented professionals who are able at smarter recruitment, incorporating technology like Artificial Intelligence and Cloud migration of core HR strategies, improving business performance through people performance, pulling operational costs in lesser time, managing e-performance, conducting People Analytics, handling inclusive workforce, managing people at a global level, and many more.

So, it is critical to earning the HR and talent management certification to venture successfully into the new-age of the HR profession. There are different types of certifications meant for HR freshers, graduates, experienced, and certified professionals.

Let’s catch up with the trend and understand the most popular HR and talent management certification and its importance in your career.

Most popular institutes providing HR certifications

These HR certifications enable you to gain HR skills. Selecting the right certification depends on where you stand on your career trajectory and specialization field you are interested to work. You should be cautious enough to look for a certification that is validated by the governing body, has acceptance at a global level, and delivers you the learning opportunity and prepares you as an expert in the domain.

HR Certification Institute (HRCI)

HRCI is one of the well-known credentialing organizations for HR professionals. The certification from this institute advances the HR profession through a myriad of certifications including –

  • Associate Professional in Human Resources®(aPHR®)
  • Associate Professional in Human Resources – International (aPHRi)
  • Professional in Human Resources® (PHR®)
  • Professional in Human Resources – California®(PHRca®)
  • Professional in Human Resources – International™ (PHRi™)
  • Senior Professional in Human Resources®(SPHR®)
  • Senior Professional in Human Resources – International Professional™ (SPHRi™)
  • Global Professional in Human Resources®(GPHR®)

The certification holders have a better opportunity to gain employment, higher paycheck, and career satisfaction. Moreover, the organizations feel confident to hire these certified professionals as they can provide an authentic direction toward strategic HR and human capital management.Many companies hire HRCI-certified professionals.

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge involves eight behavioral competencies into three clusters as leadership, interpersonal, and business. The cluster leadership involves leadership and navigation, ethical practice; interpersonal cluster has relationship management, communication, global and cultural effectiveness as the competencies while business cluster has business acumen, consultation, and critical evaluation.

The certifications include –

  • SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP®)
  • SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP®)
  • SHRM Certified Professional (CP) Certification for Students

The certification holders have strong capabilities in HR practice and knowledge required for their job performance in an effective manner.

Moving forward, let us discuss the most important HR functionality, i.e., talent management. Talent management is an ongoing process. It’s an everyday activity and sensitive too. It is a process involved in developing and retaining employees which call for employee engagement, employee experience, and career pathing.

It involves key functionalities like developing employees’ skills, delivering employee training programs, creating hiring and succession plans, mentoring hires, boosting employees’ morale, rewarding, and promoting employees. It is more of people skills than technological or administrative skills.

This calls for various thought processes and exposure to scenario-based learnings. It’s a challenging and interesting aspect of HR functions. It is an art and science as well. To learn these special skills and be called as a talent manager, talent optimizer, and planner, there are certifying bodies. The most popular and trend is that of Talent Management Institute (TMI).

Talent Management Institute (TMI)

TMI standards and certifications possess a robust framework of knowledge acquired through years of research on talent dynamics, human capital in the business, and management at the global level. The advanced credentials enable CHROs and HR business partners to assist organizations in their growth through human talent.

This certification is preferred for leadership responsibilities and qualifies the professional for TMI-Wharton programs. The credentials are valid across industries at the global level as it adds new layers to employability.

The certifications include –

Talent Management Practitioner (TMP)

This accreditation re-engineers your ability to deal with business difficulties and HR accountabilities. You exhibit capabilities like the transformation of the conventional HR department into an agile and strategic department.

Senior Talent Management Practitioner (STMP)

HR professionals and leaders are searching for tools, certifications, and knowledge that would help their organization succeed. This STMPis tailor-made for this and prepares you for the future of work.

Global Talent Management Leader (GTML)

It features learning materials from The Talent Management Institute and the Wharton School, the global knowledge leaders. It demonstrates one’s readiness to excelin the high-profile international assignment and leadership roles in HR.

To summarize, excel in connecting talent with business and its performance. Drive business success by leading through change with commendable learnings with certifications and experience.

Albert Adam

Hi, I'm Albert. I'm very passionate about my work. Even I'm very fond of blogging as it enhances my knowledge about the various aspect of the internet.

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